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10 Inspired Super Bowl Recipes

By February 3, 20166 Comments

So we turned the calendar page this week which means, among other things, that January and all its Draconian eat-better-resolving can take a back seat for a day or two. And lucky for us, The Super Bowl is here, which means we have more than a failsafe justification to do a little indulging. Herewith a few drool-worthy, game-worthy recipe ideas from around the interweb, beginning with none other than Homemade Pigs in Blankets. (I know, it’s almost not fair how good those look.) See you, and your kale, next week.

Black Bean Nachos
 – For the indulgent vegetarian.

Slice this Cannellini and Soffrito Pizza into bite-size pieces. You don’t want it to feel like dinner.

This Garlicky Party Bread with Cheese and Herbs has been in my “Someday File” forever.

OK, on the somewhat healthy side: Greek Salad Dip.

There’s a proper way to make everything. Even Italian Heroes.

C’mon, I know you’ve been looking for an excuse to try out super trendy Labneh Dip.

Fall-to-Pieces Ribs because eating dinner with your fingers is what the Super Bowl is about. Well, give or take a few commercials.

The year’s most intriguing entry: The Bo Ssamwich. (Please give me the post-game report on this if you make it. And thanks Uncle Mike for the tip!)

And to finish: Alice Medrich’s Genius Brownies. Game Over.

Photo credits: Nicole Franzen (Pigs and Blankets); Molly Yeh (Cannellini Pizza); Alex Lau (Nachos & Italian Heroes); Deb Perelman (Party Bread); Hugh Forte (Greek Salad Dip); Catherine Newman (ribs); Amy Chaplin (labneh dip); James Ransom (brownies).


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