Contact Me

    If I don’t get back to you right away please forgive me; I try to get back to every single person, but due to the volume of emails I receive, this has become increasingly difficult. I will do my best, I promise!

    If this is a media request, you might think about going through Erica (contact below). Thanks! 


    For media inquiries about The Weekday Vegetarians please contact Erica Gelbard,

    For all other inquiries (including partnerships, speaking engagements, promotions, and product coverage) please contact

    Find me on: twitter | facebook | instagram | pinterest

    Regarding Comments

    We want this blog to be accessible to as many people as possible, and love it when readers share ideas and opinions in the comment fields  – it’s what the interweb is about after all! But it’s also about being respectful of what we consider to be a personal, generous community, and as such, we reserve the right to delete comments that are hurtful in any way. Constructive criticism: Yes. Mean-spirited rhetoric that you wouldn’t say to someone face-to-face across the dinner table: No.

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