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America’s Best New Restaurants

By September 6, 20165 Comments

Just a quickie today to make sure you all saw Bon Appetit‘s annual Best New Restaurant Issue, always good for some good vicarious adventuring. In fact, if you are like me, you probably went down the list of the 10 winners (and also the 50 nominees) and thought one thing: I need to get out more. The good news there — at least for locals and Tri-Staters — is that all ten of the winners will be under one NYC roof this week as BA fetes them at their annual Hot 10 Party. For more information, head over to Resy. Maybe I’ll see you there!

Related: A complete archive of our “Providers” column in Bon Appetit. (It’s been way too long since I’ve made those fish cakes!)

Shown above: Philadelphia’s South Philly Barbacoa (Photo credit: Bon Appetit)


  • Melissa @ HOUSEography says:

    Come on down to DC and we’ll go to Bad Saint. Tried to go last week but it was closed!!! ARGH! Am going to go very soon!! And awesome to live in the “best” something other than the hot mess our city usually is!!

  • Avatar Harry Bowden says:

    That’s pretty fantastic I wish could attend! I haven’t looked at the winners/nominees yet but I’ll see if anything near me made the list.

    H. Bowden

  • Avatar says:

    Great. That looks fantastic.

  • Avatar Jennifer O. says:

    I’m excited about DC’s new restaurants but I wish more took reservations! It’s hard to go with all my friends with little kids and little flexibility.

  • Kate says:

    So many restaurants, so little time. Hopefully we can hit at least one or two this year!

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