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Sides, Salads, SoupVegetarian

And All I Got Was This Lousy Bean Dip

By July 10, 2012October 2nd, 20139 Comments

I finally got around to downloading photos from the mini vacation we just enjoyed at my sister’s beach house. There were about 400 shots, each one screaming summer louder than the next, and I’m somewhat alarmed to report that only about 20 of them contained the presence of an actual human. Though I’m unable to prove it in pixels, I swear we did normal things that normal vacationing families do: We bodysurfed in the Atlantic, worked out the kinks in our backhands (some of us, at least…mine is forever ruined), did the whole Breakfast at Wimbledon thing, never bothered to change out of our bathing suits, engulfed crime novels and graphic novels, went on bike rides and runs along redwing-blackbird studded beach roads. But from the look of this download, you’d think it was all dinner all the time: corn and tomatoes, summer fruit galettes, soft-shelled crabs, Dark & Stormies, grilled fish tacos, bright slaws, and the beautiful minty pecorino’d fava beans you are looking at above, which are in season for approximately six more minutes, so use them immediately. I’m already depressed about how fast summer is going — so anyway, who has time to take pictures?

Fava Bean, Mint, and Pecorino Crostini

Remove fava beans from pods. (I used about four handfuls of pods.) Boil beans in water for about 3 to 4 minutes, then immediately plunge in ice bath. Remove each bean from its casing (this is a big pain, be forewarned) and add to a medium bowl. Add a tablespoon olive oil, frehsly grated Pecorino a small squeeze of lemon, 1 sprig of mint (chopped) salt and pepper. Mix and mash with a fork until it reaches desired consistency. Serve with baguette slices.


  • Avatar Eileen says:

    Ooh, this combination sounds perfect for a summer afternoon snack! Maybe with a glass or two of chilled sauvignon blanc…

  • Dani says:

    I just saw fava beans in the market today and wondered what I could do with them… this looks great!

  • Hannah says:

    This sounds wonderful! And looks so cool and minty and green. Perfect for dinner tonight …

    Also, you guys should know, Kyle’s new mantra is Daddy Needs A Drink … and we are packing ginger beer from Bermuda (and stuff to mix with it) as we head off to Yosemite this week 🙂 Happy summer!!!

  • Avatar Nancy says:

    Serve with a nice Chianti? 🙂

  • Avatar Betsy says:

    I’ve gotta say, I rarely go out and cook what I read on food blogs (am I alone?). I usually just enjoy reading the narrative and am curious about the creativity of others in their kitchens. Today, however, I saw some fava beans at my farmer’s market and decided to take the plunge and cook up this tasty looking legume. Success! Thank you for the inspiration, Jenny
    -fellow Amherst grad 😉

  • Avatar Healthy Living Val says:

    This is too easy! I love the flavors you combine here. Too bad fava beans are out of season here. Will have to save this for next year… or substitute with canned?

  • Avatar 654carroll says:

    i’m in utter despair that it’s *mid-july* already. where has it gone?

  • ButICanCook says:

    Such a clever way to use favs beans, much needed for me, my husband loves them and I am so clueless! If you have any others, please point me to them! Thanks 🙂

  • Avatar tess says:

    Wise choice bet you had fun….

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