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Books, Gifts, Culture

Book Break

By August 13, 20208 Comments

Good morning! Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow, but today, I wanted to point you in the direction of a mystery novel I read and reviewed called The Boy in the Field, by Margot Livesey. I really loved it. The pages fly, it’s beautifully written, and it has exactly nothing to do with food. Here is my complete review.

PS: Speaking of books getting great reviews: Next up for me is Caste, by Isabel Wilkerson.

Photo from Margot Livesey’s twitter feed.


  • Avatar sallyt says:

    what a GORGEOUS review. Jenny, I think that you should write a novel –

  • Jessica Ireland says:

    The best book I’ve read recently is Accidental by Alex Richards. It’s a YA novel that deals with gun violence and is gorgeously written!

  • Avatar susan says:

    I added this book to my library holds after reading your review, but didn’t realize you wrote the review. Now I’m looking forwad to it even more

  • Avatar T says:

    I hope you all are ok- letting you know that the gap has been noticed and you are missed.

  • Susan says:

    I put this on my library hold list the day I read this post and it became available this morning. I consumed it in an afternoon. It’s like nothing I’ve ever read before and I enjoyed it enormously. Thank you so much for bringing it to my focus.

    • Avatar Madeleine says:

      What a gorgeous book! A quiet but lovely read. Thank you for the review and recommendation. My sister and I both loved it.

  • Avatar Abigail says:

    Just checked it out of the library! A real brick-and-mortar library, a real (not virtual?) book, and cool fall evenings. I’m excited to enjoy it (I’m sure I will!)

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