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Dinner: A Love Story, the BookTravel

Come Say Hello

By January 28, 2013October 2nd, 20138 Comments


Very excited to let you know about two book-related events in the next month.

Wednesday, FEBRUARY 6
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture
Pocantico Hills, NY 

For locals and Tri-Staters and food-lovers who, like me, look for any excuse to patronize Stone Barns, please come visit me there on Wednesday, February 6 at 6:00. They’ve chosen Dinner: A Love Story as the book to launch their very promising Cookbook Club Program. If you’d like to register (or even if you are just reading Dinner: A Love Story with your own book club) you can download a discussion guide on my Book page. Or you can just show up and eat! (There will be samples of something from my book.) I’ll also give a short talk loosely titled “Five Steps to Kickstart Family Dinner.” (The first rule — “Don’t go to readings smack in the middle of dinnertime” — will go into effect the day after the reading.) To register, please head to their website.

Saturday, MARCH 2
Powerhouse on 8th
Park Slope, Brooklyn

So odd that I’ve done events in LA, San Francisco, Connecticut, Boston, and all around Westchester, but I haven’t hit the good old 718 yet. Until now! I am so incredibly psyched to hang out at Powerhouse on 8th in Park Slope with my friend Melissa, who will be signing her book, The New Brooklyn Cookbook, but will be preparing and handing out Mexican chocolate icebox cookies and cups of butternut squash soup from my book. (That’s what you call a good friend!) I’ll just be signing — no reading — so even if you only have five minutes, please stop by.

If you are interested in holding a Dinner: A Love Story event, please get in touch: — sorry, I mean

Hope to see you!


  • Avatar Cay says:

    Yay! You’re coming to Brooklyn! So excited and will be there with DALS on!

  • Avatar Sarah says:

    Hi Jenny–
    I’m the one who emailed you about getting married at Stone Barns and being so glad to receive your cookbook as a gift. I SO wish I could come to your event there! Alas, I work and live in the city and won’t be able to join, I don’t think. On the off chance I can: how late can we register?

  • Rhonda Sittig says:

    Love, love your book. I am a committed library user and very rarely buy a brand new book. BUT- I couldn’t get to Amazon soon enough after my sis raved about it. And she was right. It’s like talking with the nicest kind of friend about what you’re fixing for dinner. I’ve dog-earred all the recipes on my list the try. I wrote a post about the book on my little blog– So, thanks for all the time and tears it took to get it written. I do appreciate it so.

  • Avatar Allison says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar AlyJMc says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

  • Avatar Pat McCorkle says:

    “I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”

    I’d love to see you at The Stone Barns event…..but I live in Wisconsin. Have a wonderful time there. Perhaps there will be video online?

  • Avatar Natalie Youngberg says:

    “I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?”

  • keelysteger says:

    I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Lodge cast iron skillet?

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