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By December 18, 201313 Comments

I figured out why I am so addicted to instagram. Contrary to what you might be thinking, it is not so I can live vicariously through that friend who always seems to find herself gazing at a palm-tree framed infinity pool in Phuket. Nor is it so I can be on top of whoever is consuming the #fluke @Marea. (Oh wait, #pinchme, he’s on to the #seaurchin.) N0, I love it because I follow some serious cooks in my feed  — test kitchen directors, cookbook authors, editors — and despite their fat-cat pedigree in the food world, it’s what they’re making for the kids at home that hooks me. Their meals are so simple you can just look at the photo and caption to figure out how to prepare. No recipe required. Check these out:

Who: Phyllis Grant Instagram handle: dashandbella Why: Not that I really need to answer that with a photo like this, but let me just say that I want to cook everything the Bouley-trained, Berkeley-based blogger is dreaming up for her two young kids. PS: Her love of kale is matched only by her affinity for F-bombs.

Who: Carla Lalli Music Handle: lallimusic Why: Because the Bon App Food & Features editor (and restaurant-trained vet) is a serious cook, but never takes food too seriously. Plus, she can write a caption.

Who: Sarah Carey handle: sarahcarey1 Why: She’s editor of Everyday Food, aka the epicenter of quick-and-easy cooking.

Who: Caroline Campion handle: devilandegg Why: Everything the onetime Saveur editor (+ co-author of Keepers) cooks and shoots seems to be assembled on-the-fly — which for the rest of us, translates to #confidence and #Hey!IcanDoThat.

Who: Jennifer Aaronson handle: giofrankie Why: The mother-of-two is a decade-long veteran of Martha Stewart Living’s kitchen (official title: Editorial Director) and her behind-the-scenes posts of cover shoots (like the current December one featuring insanely rendered little Alpine cookie characters) often prompt followers to say things like “How can this even be possible?” (OK, fine, that commenter was andyward15.) But mixed in to all this inspiration are weeknight MVPs like the one-pan pasta you see above. Also, apropos of nothing, she could not be nicer.

Who: Luisa Weiss Handle: wednesdaychef Why: Because she’s not only posting grown-up dishes like the one above — she’s also chronicling what’s cooking for her toddler, Hugo. Plus: A recent post of him playing at the crack of dawn was captioned, “Hugo is back to waking up at 5am and is sort of crushing my will to live.” #itgetseasier Luisa!

Who: Allie Lewis Clapp Handle: allielewisclapp Why: Because the Bon Appetit Food Editor is the master at elevating something simple to something special (See: Za’atar; Labneh) without scaring anyone off.

Oh look, it’s Phyllis Grant again!


Who: Me Handle: dinneralovestory Why: See previous 686 posts on this blog and decide for yourself.


  • Melissa says:

    I might have to finally get a smartphone just so I can browse all these fabulous ideas. For now, I just scroll through the DALS recipe index. Fried shrimp rolls (with green beans and tomatoes in vinaigrette on the side) last night were a hit with the whole family!

  • Sarah Rose says:

    I totally agree – amazing! Adding a few of these to my Instagram feed too!

  • Avatar Reynaul says:

    I already had most of these on my feed and I love love love them!

  • Carlinne @Cook with 2 Chicks says:

    I love this post! I follow many of these cooks on Instagram, but thanks for introducing me to additional chefs. I love the pic of your pasta/broccoli/sausage.

  • Avatar PARIS BEE kids blog says:

    Isn’t it terrible? I have an Instagram addiction too. I can be very troubling at times 😉

    xoxo PARIS BEE

  • Avatar Kendra says:

    What an awesome post! Very clever.

  • Kristi says:

    I am a new fan! Thanks for all the great ideas and recipes. I have 4 kids under 11 and it is VERY challenging to get something on the table everyone will eat. Oh they will eat it as I threaten to force feed them, but I like to try to make something everyone LIKES. anyway…do you have any bagel recipes you can share? (We live in Ethiopia and there are NO bagels here….or Trader Joes…which is really killing me!)

  • A Life From Scratch says:

    Instagram is something I just can’t seem to get on board with. I just feel it’s a whole other facet that I will spend too much time on – but these pics are convincing me I need to join the party!

  • Avatar JackieD says:

    Oh, how I love Sarah Carey. Love, love, love.
    Luisa Weiss is also consistently inspiring.

  • Avatar Paige J says:

    I proceeded to follow each and every one of these on Instagram–I trust your judgement. Definitely wasn’t disappointed!!

  • Traci says:

    Thanks for the insta-piration! I have just recently started exploring instagram for new ideas and especially love being inspired with good photography and content together. Lovely post!

  • Avatar Kathy Benson says:

    Those pictures are mouth-watering. Thanks for lining them up and showing us how to be inspired by instagram.

  • Avatar Jennifer De Stefano says:

    I’m a little late with a comment, but is there any way to get the recipe for the one-pot pasta from giofrankie. It looks amazing and I’m a little inept when it comes to recipes without amounts. Love, love, love your blog (and my family does too)!!

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