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GrillingPork and BeefRituals

Every Day Should Be Like This

By August 31, 2010October 4th, 201112 Comments

7:30 Kids watch Fantastic Mr. Fox; parents take turns running on the beach.
10:00 Pool: Work on touching the bottom of the 9-foot deep end with hands, holding underwater handstands for at least 5 seconds, and tightening up jack-knives off the diving board.
1:00 Lunch. Tomato Sandwiches. Leftover Shrimp & Grits.
1:30 Quiet Time: Dad reads Freedom, Phoebe reads Utterly Me: Clarice Bean, Abby plays paper dolls, Mom marinates a pork tenderloin in bourbon, soy, brown sugar, olive oil.
3:00 Beach
4:30 Discuss the differences between a Snowy Egret (black beak, yellow feet) and a Great Egret (yellow beak, black feet) then seek out real-life examples on our bikes.
6:00 Yardarm. Mom prepares potatoes, peaches; Dad prepares the grill.
7:00 Family Dinner…

Grilled Pork with Peaches

A few hours before dinner (after the pool, before the beach?) marinate pork tenderloin in 1/4 cup bourbon, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, a few glugs of olive oil, a 2-inch hunk of peeled ginger cut into chunks.

Dinnertime: Slice three to four peaches as shown and brush with either melted butter or canola oil and a sprinkling of brown sugar.

Grill pork for about 15-20 minutes, turning every 5 minutes, until the middle is firm but not hard to the touch. During the last 5 minutes, grill peach slices, turning so they don’t burn. Serve with campfire potatoes.


  • Avatar City Share says:

    Yum. Grilled vacation food is the best. It’s always so hard to return to reality.

  • Jan @ Family Bites says:

    Sounds like a fantastic day!

  • mau says:

    sounds perfect!

  • Avatar sengler says:

    Sounds like heaven. Can I come on vacation with you guys next time?

  • alex@amoderatelife says:

    Hi Jenny! I found your blog on Cityshare’s blog roll who linked up to my two for tuesday recipe blog hop, so I thought I would stop over and check out your spot. I think its kismet because I have been so craving cooked peaches, but not poached! I fried some, baked some with yogurt cream and now this, this spectacle will be tried for certain! I will be sharing your blog on my Thoughts on friday link love so please stop in and say hi! alex@amoderatelife

  • Avatar Blair says:

    Yum, yum, yum. I just love reading your blog!

    Mercer Island, WA

  • Avatar Trish O says:

    first, nice read a little end of summer vacation “porn” Our school started today so I will just live your end of summer life via blog. Second, I LOVE LOVE LOVE clarice bean. Charlie and Lola will always be my fav and best, but Clarice Bean is wonderful too. It is like Bridget Jones’ little sister. Ok, so this is a food blog. But it was all I could do to get Taco Bell on the table tonight. But I put out real dishes…does that count? Bad Mom…Bad Mom. Well, always tomorrow.

  • Avatar Ann says:

    Just got time for dinner in the mail today. Can I just say I love you? It’s as if you know exactly how my brain works. This is the PERFECT guide in planning meals for my family. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and yes, THANK YOU.

  • Avatar belle on heels says:

    major, major yum and major jealous!

  • MommyLisa says:

    I will remember this for our summer vacation to the lake! Except my daughter won’t eat any form of potato. She is weird. 😉

  • Avatar Betsy says:

    What is the serving size for this recipe?

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