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Friday Reading and Eating

By October 14, 2016October 17th, 20166 Comments

Adult spaghetti-Os

This Lenny Letter review of How to Celebrate Everything made me laugh. (“Come for the party-throwing tips, stay for the unique family rituals she shares. User-friendly, practical, festive, and delicious. Just like Joy of Sex.”)

If this anthology is anything like her first anthology, I’m all over it.

I love the way the candles look on this table. (P.S. Locals: The private room at Saint George is beyond elegant.)

Want to raise a trail-blazing daughter?

Three questions to ask your kids every night. (I love this so much.)

Historic moment of the month: Eric Ripert tries a Twinkie.

Speaking of fine dining: I love Brooks Headley.

Gretchen Rubin, longtime champion of happiness and great childrens’ literature, on her favorite Children’s and Young-Adult Books.

The latest graphic novel from DALS-fave Raina Telgemeier.

A Snack-tivist’s Manifesto

An NPR series devoted to the challenges of working parents.

Can never have too many apple crumb cake recipes in my opinion.

Who’s in Brooklyn tomorrow? I’ll be signing books and feeding people at PowerHouse on 8th in Park Slope from 4:00-5:30. Come say hi! Please please please!

Probably my most favorite interview ever: Perfect Food Day.

Proud to be an alumnus today.

This one is for the history books.

Spaghetti-Os photo by Alex Lau for Bon Appetit.


  • Leah says:

    I love that perfect food day interview so much! I could’ve stopped after the run + coffee at Stone Barns, but then you went to the Grand Central Oyster Bar with your dad (aren’t dads the best?!)

    So bummed I’m not in town this weekend or I 100% would have been at Powerhouse.

  • Avatar Awads says:

    you don’t have a cocktail everyday? only at the END of the week? for some reason, i thought it was daily, and that’s how i’ve been justifying mine. i feel like a rockstar when i take mondays and tuesdays off.

  • Avatar Sheila says:

    Hi Jenny!
    I hope to make it to Powerhouse Books Saturday afternoon. Great bookstore and an amazing book! What’s not to love?

  • Avatar Bridgit says:

    I always like the Friday roundup, but this one is particularly great. Thanks for bringing me non-food (and non-work) related stuff to read 🙂

  • Avatar CG says:

    Impressive Article by the Amherst Men’s Soccer Team…although I am not an alum…Proud to be from an Amherst family

  • David Wilson says:

    Spaghetti looks delicious.. and its also an amazing recipe..

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