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Friday Round-up

By March 25, 20167 Comments

You know how I always say my favorite recipes are the ones you can exchange in an elevator ride with a friend? (“Yeah, you just sauté a piece of salmon in butter, drizzle with yogurt-horseradish sauce. Have a good day!”) Well Food52 has launched the app version of that idea with (Not)Recipes. (Think Instagram, the food edition.) Take for instance these buns posted by (Not)Recipe member Posie Harwood. The caption reads “Roll out strips of quick puff pastry. Spread with a paste of cinnamon, sugar, and a little melted butter.” Cool how simple it sounds, right? Check it out.

I laughed when I saw the Butter-up Knife last week in a design store (who would ever buy this?) but of course, every morning since, I’ve found myself wishing I had one.

David Sedaris on his shameless shopping habit.

Bon Appetit‘s restaurant editor writes with zero irony about his favorite chain restaurant.

Seven Under-the-Radar Family Travel Destinations. (Reminder: There’s also a Family Travel category on DALS)

These Go-Cubes were apparently all the rage at SXSW. Has anyone tried one? (They sound so unappealing to me.)

The Keeper of American Culinary History.

I read this in one sitting and freaking loved it.

Cake or fine art?

Anna Quindlen’s 10 Favorite Classics About Growing Older and Wiser.

This Sushi Stack video makes me inexplicably happy.

But maybe not as happy as this Peep Wreath.

Claus Meyer’s food hall is opening next month (Grand Central commuters REJOICE!) but if you can’t wait that long: Watch him make simple, delicious Smorrebrod. Sigh.

I was so saddened to hear about Garry Shandling’s death. His Larry Sanders character was as real a person me as a neighbor or coworker I’d see every day — I loved him and all his hilariously naked neediness. In his honor, a “What I’ve Learned” column he did with Esquire that Andy was lucky enough to work on. Andy reminded me that Shandling kept calling the staff to ask “Do you like it? What’s your favorite line?” Mine would have to be this one: Nice guys finish first. If you don’t know that, you don’t know where the finish line is.


  • Vivian | stayaliveandcooking says:

    Love the idea for that app! How cool is that. Giving inspiration on the gooo. And now I wish I had a butter knife like that too. Uhoh…

  • Raising The Capable Student says:

    I was so sad to see the news about Garry Shandling. He made me laugh many times.

  • Libby Monaghan says:

    If that isn’t the most beautiful cake I’ve ever seen… it’s so glorious!

  • Avatar Rosa says:

    Jenny I know you love a good article praising family dinner time, here’s one

  • Avatar Kathy says:

    cant get the app on android. boooohoo

  • Avatar Sharleen says:

    The rolls look delish and the app sounds cool but really not sure if I like instagram too much.
    Thanks for sharing all your faves.

  • Avatar Jess. says:

    That sushi stack is brilliant. I want to try it right now! Round ups are my favorite. xox

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