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How to Celebrate Sunday Dinner

By October 6, 2016April 18th, 20185 Comments

From the Sunday Dinner chapter in How to Celebrate Everything:

“As far back as I can remember, it’s been a given that we end the weekend with family at our own table, whether that table has been in our Brooklyn apartment, in our first house in the suburbs, or in my parents’ or sister’s house across the county. Only under special circumstances—Super Bowls, Oscar Nights, invitations we can’t weasel our way out of—do we stray from this policy. I realize I’m not alone here. No matter what Sunday dinner looks like in your house, whether it involves a proper roast on a Wedgwood platter, some dogs on the backyard grill, or the ambient roar of an NFL crowd on TV pulsing in the background, I’m guessing the philosophy behind it is most likely the same: Rest, recalibrate, reconnect. We’ve got a long week ahead of us.”

Pork Lettuce Wraps with Pomegranate are just the thing to make this weekend. For book owners, the recipe is on page 238. For the rest of you, check out this nifty little video tutorial.


Available everywhere books are sold including AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Indiebound


  • Avatar Phaedra says:

    Just picked up HTCE yesterday and I love it (along with your first two books). As I was reading through the beginning about the bus stop, I was thinking ‘YES!’ and feeling all wistful… mine just moved to the next stage of school. No more grade school mornings. The premise of this book to celebrate our whole lives, not just the occasional holiday, is fantastic. It all goes so quickly and making the most of our relationships (family, friends, community) is so important. So under ‘any excuse will do’, I’ve been marking up the book already. Thank you!

  • Maureen @Raising The Capable Student says:

    Fun! Love the video. My teenage son and his friends eat at my house on Monday nights in between after school sports and evening play rehearsal. I love having them and cooking that meal for them. It does feel like a celebration when they are all talking and laughing around the table.

  • Avatar Amy says:

    We’re starting Family Movie Night on Sundays- first one is this weekend! In the future I will totally do a themed dinner to the movie, but for right now it’s MYOPizza. Also, I grabbed Dinner: The Playbook from the library this week (for the second time!) and I’ve been rereading and flipping through it for inspiration. I felt so much better when I read your line about the “harrowing years” of toddlerhood for your family. I have a 2.5 yr old and 2 month old, and you made me feel like a superhero because I still get a dinner on the table for all us. Sorta. The 2 year old gets his own meatball or chicken tenders, but whatever. We eat at the same time! And you reminded me that it will get better. I mean, if we stop having kids that is…

  • Diane Zwang says:

    I love the video.

  • Avatar M says:

    Love the video!

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