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How to Celebrate EverythingVideos

How to Celebrate…Tomatoes

By September 1, 2016November 14th, 201611 Comments

Anyone who has been following this blog for even a little while knows that the Tomato Sandwich, in our house, is not so much something to eat for lunch as it is a…religion. We dedicate Saturday mornings to tracking down the best tomatoes we can find, then we sit on the patio and discuss the finer points of their excellence. It’s one of our oldest family rituals, and one I feel pretty certain the kids will hold on to for a good long time. What better way, then, to launch How to Celebrate Everything than with this video ode to the non-recipe recipe? This is the first in a five-part series, produced by the masterful (and masterfully generous) Edouard Nammour, which will hopefully illustrate that the best family rituals are almost always the simplest. (It also doesn’t hurt if they are mindblowingly delicious.) I hope you enjoy!

I’m so hungry.

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  • Jan @ Family Bites says:

    So sweet, Jenny! I have to confess that tomatoes are my least favourite food on the planet, but I can definitely appreciate the how pretty they look on the plate.

  • Avatar Amy says:

    My husband introduced me to the tomato sandwich seventeen years ago and I love it almost as much as I love him. We use way more mayo in ours, which contributes the feeling of decadence and indulgence.

  • Avatar Barb says:

    Perfect and simple. I know nothing else is needed, but I confess to using bacon grease and black pepper in addition.

  • Avatar Heather says:

    Great video now I want a tomato sandwich!

  • Beck @ Golden Pudding says:

    What a cute video! And what blissful looking tomatoes! My perfect memory of a summer tomato sandwich uses similar bread, but axes the mayo and adds a smear of pate instead. My mum’s homemade pate and homegrown tomatoes, so no wonder I can rarely match it these days 🙂

  • Avatar Awads says:

    i never liked tomatoes until i was somewhere in my early 30s…i’ve been making up for lost time ever since! i may have to eat one of these sammies for supper tonight!

  • Libby Monaghan says:

    My doctor told me she wanted me to try a low-carb diet. And I was like, “fine… but it’s going to have to wait until tomato season is over because tomato sandwiches.” And she understood completely.

  • Avatar Julie says:

    Love it, great little video!

  • Catherine says:

    This is, of course, the perfect post to come across when I’ve just brought home 3 types of tomatoes from our CSA – a reminder that sometimes, simple is best!

  • Avatar Andrea says:

    Now I feel bad because I’ve never tried a tomato sandwich before. Definitely going to get the necessary fixings (errr… well, you know, tomatoes) for one the next time I’m at the store!

  • Avatar Barbara Planas Mungavin says:

    When I was a girl we used to have an amazing vegetable garden with the most amazingly delicious tomatoes, that was before genetically modified vegetables, and the seeds were saved and planted each year for the next season’s tomatoes. In the summer we always had 2 or 3 bags, literally in the kitchen full of tomatoes for us and to give our friends, family and neighbours
    Sorry for the rant but my everyday breakfast in the months of July and August were most always bread with mayo or sometimes butter and sliced fresh delicious tomaotes at the time I never had salt with anything if I prepared it or cooked it and it was the most delicious of Breakfasts I’ve had,
    Love your post got to it via watching Edouard Nammour’s Tooth Fairy Film I watched a while ago as I will be watching it with 2 0r 3 of my classes today (btw loved it!)

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