My Favorite Thing to Give

When I was a kid, my family had an account at the local bookstore, a privilege I don’t remember enjoying anywhere else in town. I felt so cool stopping in, picking up the latest V.C. Andrews novel, then then telling whoever was working behind the counter, Just charge it to “Rosenstrach.” I never felt guilty piling two or three on the counter at once, something that would’ve been unimaginable with, say, Ton Sur Ton sweatshirts at the trendy clothing store down the street. I like to think that’s why, to this day, I am like Daddy Warbucks when it comes to buying books, constantly ordering them for friends and family (sometimes even strangers) for just about any occasion, with a recklessness that doesn’t reveal itself in any other part of my budgetary life. I think it’s because handing someone a book with a personal note feels like I’m making a connection that might otherwise be nonexistent or difficult or elusive. I thought of you the whole time I read this…I know you’re going through a lot, maybe this book will help…This cookbook is a good resource next time you are having your in-laws for dinner…I read this book to my baby when she was your baby’s age…I like this book, I know you will too. Here are the books I’ve handed out in the past three months (and one that Phoebe has handed out) that I think you might like to know about. Longtime blog readers will definitely recognize a few.

Book: The Important Book, by Margaret Wise Brown
Why I Love It: It’s the lesser known, but equally poetic cousin to Goodnight Moon — a picture book explaining the essence of, the importance of, seemingly everyday objects apples, spoons, wind, grass.
Why I Gave It: Every now and then I will fill in for editors who are on maternity leave and it’s become something of a ritual for me to leave this behind for the mom when she returns to her desk. I’m always tempted to leave it with the note “I’m so jealous!” conveniently over-romanticizing life with a newborn.

: Logo Type, Michael Evamy
Why I Love It: Because it tells the story behind the creation of famous logos, from Google to YouTube to Barneys New York to MoMA to FedEx to Crate & Barrel.
Why I Gave It: Because my workshare colleague Christy is a design genius and I knew she’d pore over it like I did. (As a thank-you, she forwarded me the SNL Papyrus skit. #TypographyNerdsUnite.)

: Modern Jewish Cooking, by Leah Koenig
Why I Love It: My affection for this book has been recently and substantially chronicled. (Exhibit A: Last Week’s Fattoush, Exhibit B: Last Year’s Roast Chicken with Fennel and Orange.)
Why I Gave It: When my sister calls me to ask for advice on menu planning for Passover, Yom Kippur, Chanukah, Shabbat, what do you think I do first? I reach for Koenig’s book in my library. I thought maybe it was finally time for her to have her own.

: Milk & Honey, by Rupi Kaur, given by my 15-year-old to a friend
Why Phoebe Loves It: (This is from Phoebe) “It’s a collection* of poems with a lot of feminine empowerment and a lot of resonating lines, such as ‘The person who you love should complement you, not complete you.’ They stay with me.” [*My edit: “a MEGA-SELLING collection”]
Why Phoebe Gave It: “I gave it to my friend who seemed like she was heading down a spiral of self-deprecation, and it was over a boy, which wasn’t like her at all.”
Note from Phoebe’s Mom: Please thumb through this before handing off to a teen-ager. There is sex talk — not gratuitous or raunchy — but it’s there.

Dinner: The Playbook, by Yours Truly
Why I Love It: Because, in some ways, it was the easiest and most fun book for me to write of all three in the Dinner: A Love Story trilogy. Minimal storytelling but maximum strategizing for rolling up sleeves and making family dinner happen in the real world.
Why I Gave It: Because I was at a cross-country meet, speaking with another dinner-struggling mom, who said “I’m not like you, I’m not a professional chef, and I can only cook things if they are easy.” To which I of course responded, “I am in fact the opposite of a professional chef. I am a home cook and my books are written for people like you, who want to simplify as much as possible and still eat well.” When I started describing a few of the recipes in Playbook (roast salmon with spicy mayo and chives, spaghetti with roasted cauliflower and breadcrumbs, cornmeal crusted fish with minty peas) it seemed like they were resonating, so I sent her a copy via my favorite messenger method: through the kids’ backpacks.

Pizza Camp, Joe Beddia
Why I Love It: Refresh your memory with this love letter I wrote back in the spring. It’s no secret that we love pizza in our house, and this book, by the Philadelphia king upped our game in a serious way. (I will never use cooked sauce on a pie again.)
Why I Gave It: A guy in my exercise class at the gym makes pizza dough for a living! In between burpees and squats, we talk about his favorite pizza recipes, my favorite pizza recipes, our favorite Italian American haunts in Westchester, and other joyous topics to take our minds of the pain. I knew he’d love Beddia.

: In the Lake of the Woods, by Tim O’Brien
Why I Love It: I read it so long ago, when I was in the grips of a powerful Tim O’Brien obsession, but the basic storyline centers on, of course, a Vietnam War vet, running for office and struggling with the violence of his past.
Why I Gave It: Who else was riveted by PBS’s documentary last week, The Vietnam War? (For those of you who haven’t watched: It’s a commitment, but it is astonishing.) Tim O’Brien was one of the vets interviewed, and in the very last moments of the 10-part series, he read passages from The Things They Carried, which is pretty solidly cemented in my All Time Favorite Top Ten Books. Since I had already given that one to Phoebe, who properly and dutifully revered it, too, I tracked down this one for her as a follow-up. (And then I promptly re-read The Things for the millionth time.)

Deceptively Delicious, by Jessica Seinfeld.
Why I Love It: When this book came out, I actually didn’t love it. Seinfeld made the case for disguising vegetables and other nutritious elements in traditionally kid-friendly foods like brownies and mac and cheese. I was outraged along with a lot of other new moms: Kids should learn to love and recognize broccoli! If we accommodate their dislikes and validate their fears, how will they ever learn to make healthy choices for themselves?! Yeah yeah yeah, whatevs. That was 2008, and I’ve been around the block since then. Kids are tricky when it comes to eating — understatement of the year — and here’s the operative concept: They are not all the same. If parents are wracked with anxiety about their child’s diet and hiding kale in the kid’s meatballs is going to bring some measure of peace…who am I to tell them to do anything different?
Why I Gave it: My friend Christina, who has two pre-school-age kids, told me recently that she discovered a neat trick for getting her kids to eat better: she sneaks greens into their favorite foods without them knowing it. “Oh, like the Jessica Seinfeld book!” I said. “Who?” She replied. Of course I was forced to respond how I hate to respond: “Well, back in the day, when I had young kids…” then I one-clicked Deceptively Delicious for her.

Tell Me More: And 11 Other Important Things I’m Learning to Say, by Kelly Corrigan
Why I Love It: Fans of Corrigan’s essays, or any of her bestselling books (like The Middle Place), already know that she has a gift for observation, finding humor and meaning everywhere she looks, ultimately forcing you do the same. But this book…it blew me away. Tell Me More is a collection of essays touches on every issue I stay up at night thinking about: raising teen-agers, dealing with aging parents, confronting regrets and loss and death.
Why I Gave It: 
One of my more favorite rituals is a weekly-ish power walk with my friend, Naria. She is the world’s fastest walker, so I get a great workout, but mostly I look forward to our conversations.  When we walk, we talk. About everything. About raising daughters, dealing with aging parents, confronting regrets and loss and death. See? I had no other choice than to drop off Tell Me More on her doorstep yesterday.

****Why I’ll Give it Again, aka A GIVEAWAY: Corrigan’s book is not published until January but it just so happens that I know an editor at Random House who can score some advanced reader editions for us. (Which might even be better than having an account at the local bookstore.) Comment below for your chance to win two copies, one for your own reading pleasure and one to give to a friend who you think might need it most. Contest ends Friday 10/6 at noon ET. UPDATE: The winner has been notified. Thanks to everyone for playing!
























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i also love giving books to friends! for my birthday this year, a sort of newer mama friend gave me a collection of essays by women published in the 70s. it had a handwritten note from one woman to another (strangers to me) – and then my friend added her own. i can’t express how thoughtful it was for her to give me a used book, carefully selected, with a handwritten note, and tailored to my interests <3 books are the best gifts.


Yay new books! I discovered a bookstore that does “blind date” books wrapped in brown paper and with a description to see if you might be interested.


I actually gave a book to a blind date once. An old boyfriend had set us up, and I think it was my first blind date. I felt like, if he was going to plan a date and spend money on me, the least I could do was . . . give him a book? I wrapped it and ribboned it and everything. Well, we ended up playing board games with a group of friends for the date. So, he didn’t spend any money, or even really plan anything, and I never even found out if he liked the book.


I’m in the midst of my annual reread of your trilogy as I gear back up for a school year of family dinner. We started Operation 30days on Sunday and thus far have 3 new keepers! We had your Chicken Sausageand Corn Stew on Sunday and it got rave reviews. Tonight’s dinner is your shrimp and corn chowder. I’ve preordered Kelly’s upcoming book for many months now, so an advance copy would be a huge treat!


This is a great list! I bought Pizza Camp on a whim after reading about it right here and although I have not yet made my own dough (Stew Leonard’s is good enough for me for now but maybe I’ll get there one day), I have definitely stepped up my pizza skills as a result. It looks like there are lots of other good suggestions here, including Tell Me More!


I love this post and plan to save it for reference. 🙂 Always like to hear recommendations from your children


I LOVE Kelly Corrigan and am going to order I Don’t Know How She Does It for my sister-in-law. Love this post, thanks!


The Playbook is the only one of your books I don’t have.This post was a good reminder to buy myself an early Halloween? Late autumn equinox? Columbus Day? gift!


What a great list! I love giving (and receiving!) books as gifts, saving this post for future inspiration:)


Thanks for the opportunity to win! I recently told my husband now that our son is 4, I want to get back into reading more!


Book money is different from regular spending money. I’ve liked Kelly Corrigan’s other books, will definitely check this one out.

Mary TeSelle

I love this list! Already have added three of them to my Amazon cart. My heart was crushed when I tried to add the new Kelly Corrigan – only to find that I would have to mooooonths for it. But yea for your contest!


Reading this made me miss growing up with Andersen’s right there in town a walkable distance away. I’m about to load my cart with most of your recommendations- for my tiny niece, my neighbor, my husband. I’m also about to dive into The Things They Carried, which my kids have been urging me to read. And yes- the Vietnam doc is amazing! Keep doing what you’re doing. What is better than food, books and books about food?


Thanks for the opportunity! I’m looking for my next read and going to check out The Middle Place.


Love the books on this list and have a few of them–including yours! 🙂 Would love to read Tell Me More and can think of a handful of people I’d like to give a copy to…


OMG. I want to read so many of these but Tell Me More’s the one I wanted to read Right Now. And now I find it’s not available yet? Insert frowny face here.


I’m a new mom, and added a few of the books you mentioned above to my to-read list! Would love a chance to get a sneak-preview of the latest Corrigan book!

Kelly Dunsford

I love your book recommendations…even if I’ve already read most of them. After Ken Burns’ Vietnam, I’ve dug out Apocalypse Now. I’d love a copy of Tell Me More…this is exactly where I’m at in life now and needing reading material to navigate through the next phase of life.

Marcia Walker

Books are my favorite gift to give as a baby gift….call always be used plus easy to mail as a military family so have friends in far away places. I like to include Moo, Baa, La La La by Sandra Boyton and”Let Me Hold You a Little Longer” by Karen Kingsbury (also good for moms of high school boys) ….I’m going to add the new mom books above to my gift list.


I can think of more than two people I’d like to give this to — and I think you’ve inspired me to send more people books.


I love your reason for giving your friend a copy of the book. That is one of the big reasons I enjoy running 2-3 days a week with my village! Thanks for all the great book ideas!


I can think of so many friends I would give this book to–the one who has been separated from her husband, the one who just broke up with her fiance, the one who just had bariatric surgery. Giving books to friends is like sending them a piece of myself when I can’t be there.


I remember being a teen/young adult and someone telling me, “If you really want to recommend a book to someone, give them a copy of it” and that really stuck with me. Two old favorites that I still give when I have the chance are The Archivist by Martha Cooley (a beautiful novel, for reader friends) and Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer by Warren St. John (a terrific book about sports fandom by a rabid Crimson Tide football fan). For kids, my favorite book to give lately is Bear Has a Story to Tell by Philip Stead.

Thanks to you (and everyone commenting) for sharing these books!


I also have a weekly-ish walking friend who I share such power conversations with! We are walking together next week for the first time since summer began. She would LOVE this book, as I suspect I will, too. Thank you for the heads-up and great suggestions for other books, too!


When I saw Kelly Corrigan’s name/book listed in this post, I was appalled, as in: how did I miss one of her books?!! I am so excited for this new book, as I love all her books because I lost my dad and love her writing).
I am, in fact, adding all these books to my cart (except your cookbook, which I already have). Thank you!


Thank you for the chance to win this book which is on my list of future reads. I also love to give books as gifts and have actually gifted Dinner: A Love Story to several people who mean a great deal to me. My friend Maria could use a copy of this book too. We are also both solidly in the middle of aging parents and raising teens into responsible adults. Life seems a bit heavier on more days than not lately!


Love this post. I love giving books as gifts and I am constantly buying new books for my three kids-I almost never say “no” to a new book like your in-house account days. I like the idea of randomly giving books to people based on conversations-that is a fantastic, thoughtful idea I am going to employ. As a side note: I am on the board of Reach Out and Read Kansas City-which helps put books in the hands of children who might not otherwise have them through their medical clinics. That means that the parents also get tips on how important reading is and how to do it with their children from their pediatricians. It is a wonderful organization and I mention it because I think you might be interested in supporting your local Reach Out and Read Organization.


I would love to win that book! And who to give it to?? I’ll have to think on that one! 🙂


I also feel that I need to start addressing these questions – I’m 42, have three kids, have got to stop pretending that a) they’ll never grow up and b) I’m never going to die (and that my mother is never going to die, etc.). Maybe I should start with having some of these conversations with myself!


I literally just finished Glitter and Glue and officially declared it the best book I have read all year!

Jennifer G.

I love every other book on your list so I don’t see how I could not possibly love this, too. It’s amazing how a little paper and a little ink are still able to transform lives. Over and over and over.


On my first birthday following the birth of my oldest daughter, my husband asked what I wanted. My reply: 3 hours ALONE in the bookstore down the street, without him or the daughter or the in-laws. Just me and the books.

I would love to not only reap the wisdom of the words between the covers, I know of no fewer than 5 other friends to whom I’d like to gift this book.

And I don’t feel comfortable going into why I might be worthy of this giveaway…it’s all private…but I would be much appreciative.


Great list! I’m not so good at giving books as gifts, but Tell Me More sounds like a good one to start with.


Oooh oooh oooh! I love to give books to people “just cause” Hope to win this – fan of Corrigan too.

Alex Thevenin

Yes, please! I have tweens and an ailing mother (double lung transplant!)…sounds like a great read!

Amy S

These are my favorite type of blog posts ever. I also love gifting books and am always looking for perfect gifting books. I just gifted someone your book!


I’d love the Kelly Corrigan book!
I also love giving books. I was at a book reading last night, and each book sale included a donation (by a third party) toward refugees. So we all bought extra books for friends. Win win!
But Jenny, please, no more “one clicking”. It’s fun to schlep to the bookstore, and they count on us bookish types to keep them solvent. Amazon will leave us with empty storefronts and no opportunity for browsing and serendipitous discoveries. I actually found your first book at the local bookstore, before it caught on — on display and recommended!


These sound like great books, especially Pizza Camp. However, I’ll take this opportunity to thank you for your long ago recommendation of What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami. I have shared that book with many people. It got me off the couch and running/walking again. It changed my whole perspective about long, solitary runs or walks. Suddenly, I had so much more think about during these times and many more new things to notice even on the most familiar of routes. And, I discovered Haruki Murakami as a new author to read. So, from one book lover to another, thanks for your suggestions. Please keep them coming


I would love to read this book and give this book – it will just be hard to choose which deserving pal!

Lisa Winslow

Would love to read “Tell Me More”…always on the lookout for great book reco’s!


My friend Daniel and I have a two person book club. We meet in a different bar every month and discuss the book and Daniel’s dating life, and the kids on our caseload, and feminism and it’s amazing. Totally a crucial piece of my self care (I’m a social worker). I’d choose the Corrigan book for book club, give my second copy to Daniel…and my copy will go to my mom when I’m through! Thanks for being a delight, Jenny!

Niki M

Love love love your passion for reading and that our interests are so in line. When you share your favorite books it is always a must-read-all-the-way-to -the-end for me! And I’m so glad I did because the new book by Corrigan looks incredibly powerful and I would love to give a copy to my mom who is mourning the loss of her beloved husband, my step-father, while navigating the final stages of parenting two children in college on her own. He passed away last month and I can’t think of a better way to say “I’m here for you” then the quiet love of a meaningful book.


I work at a high school, and give books to my graduating advisees. The Things They Carried has been a favorite, and I’m definitely adding Milk and Honey to the list this year! I haven’t read Corrigan and would love to!


I want to read Tell Me More…..a kindergarten teacher I work with uses these words a lot. It has taught me to stop and listen, rather than to immediately correct my own kids for various transgressions. I’ve learned a lot about the way my kids think with this technique, Sounds like this book would have some of those mind-shifting insights,


When my daughter was suffering through an eating disorder, one friend in particular checked in with me every few days without fail. She listened to my fears and worry–and made sure I knew I wasn’t alone. I will never forget how much her caring helped me. Now when friends go through their own struggles, I try to make them feel just as connected. It sounds like “Tell Me More” will be a new favorite.

Amy H

I love, love, love when you post book recommendations! I’ve added several from this post to my list. One of my favorites to gift moms of all ages is Catherine Newman’s Catastrophic Happiness. I just ordered a copy for a friend. 🙂


I am an English teacher and this post really resonated with me. I love sharing my favorite books and getting to watch them impact my students and friends as much as they did for me.

Lori Schwartz

Wow, what a list! And I devour Kelly Corrigan. I was in the middle place and read it at the perfect time in my life.

Kelly Wilson

“Tell Me More” sounds like exactly the book I am looking for. My daughter is just entering her teenage years, my parents are retired and ageing. I am a worrier by nature, so everything keeps me up at night! I would love a copy of this book. Thank you!


I always love your posts on books! I wholeheartedly agree that books make excellent, personal gifts!

Kara Mund

Ooh I love this! The book sounds interesting– I’ll put it on my Amazon wishlist in the event I don’t win 🙂

Kara Mundy

Ooh I love this! The book sounds interesting– I’ll put it on my Amazon wishlist in the event I don’t win 🙂


Oh my gosh KELLY CORRIGAN! I read through this whole post (bookmarking the Rachel Cusk, too, thank you), and thought, “Hmmmm, why have I not heard of that one yet?” Would love to get it early. And whenever I talk about Kelly Corrigan, which is often, because hello, Glitter and Glue helped me understand the world better, I have to drop the fact that she grew up just a few streets away from me! We’d obviously be best friends, if we had ever met.


Lately the book I’ve been giving to kids is The Princess and the Pony by Kate Beacon, which is a great message and combats the traditional view of princesses. Plus, the pony farts!

Stacie fontinell

I would love to read this book. As I get older and my kids are becoming tweens, this would be great!


What a great list. I love giving books! My nephew is just starting to read on his own, and I’m making a list of my favorite childhood books to give him for birthdays and holidays. I’m so excited to give him books that meant so much to me… he is probably going to be wondering why I’m not giving him Transformers and Paw Patrol 🙂

Ronya Misleh

Books are among my favorite gifts to give, too. I love the element of surprise they lend in opening the unexpected package and with the way the book (thoughtfully given) resonates with the friend.

Beth L Berlin

A new book may be just the thing I need to pull me away from re-reading the entire Game of Thrones series (unnecessarily).


I love giving and receiving books! And, I clicked over to Amazon to add Corrigan’s book to my wish list before I even got to the part where you tell us you have some to give away. Would love for one to end up on my doorstep!


Thanks for this – the list is just what I needed on a blah day – I’m ordering a few of these for myself and perhaps an extra copy for giving. I’d especially love a copy of Tell Me More.


Jenny, I love your book lists. Thanks for sharing books so often. My grandmother always gifted us books at the holidays and I do my best to keep the tradition going, which probably generates eye rolls from my nephews when they see a package from me on their doorstep. Happily, my son is a reader, but it made my day to get an email from my 8-year-old nephew a few weeks ago which said, “I really liked that book. Thank you!”

Lauren Cohen

I would love a copy for myself and my friend! We love reading the same book at the same time!

Laurie Mobley

I’m a major Kelly Corrigan fan – books, youtube, excellent podcast Exactly, articles etc. — I already bemoaned on Instagram “how can we wait until January.” I’m willing to beg , please pick me (waving my hand excitedly…) I love your book picks and have given the Little Book of Talent and Elizabeth Egan’s A Window Opens often. Your books make great wedding and baby shower gifts…


I have the important book, based on your pdf recommendations for kids books. You’re right. It is such a great book for my Littles.

Corrigan’s book sounds perfect, for me and my cousin. Thanks Jenny! Love this list!


What a great post! I love giving books as gifts and writing personal messages for the recipients.


Oh I would love to win this for my best friend! She lives across the country and this would be so great to share with her.


I was in a pickle as to what to gift a friend. Youve inspired me tremendously with this list. Thank you!


You’d be someone I’d love to meet for a coffee… or a glass of wine!
I love, love, love books – they are my learning pleasure, my guilty pleasure and my buoy as I stay afloat caring for my aging father and working. Seeing what interests you, piques my interest and then off I go exploring books!


One of my favorite genres and the authors who can write an essay, drive home a point or embed a tiny morsel of love and deep thought but still be relatable and funny? So treasured and valuable to my psyche. (I love Catherine Newman for her likewise ability).

Andrea Ballard

I give pregnant moms Anne Lamott’s Operating Instructions. I give people who need a laugh my favorite book, Straight Man by Richard Russo. I love to give cookbooks, especially one’s I’ve cooked out of frequently and can recommend particular recipes. Needless to say The Playbook is a great gift, Jenny!


I love this list and i grew up with a “house account” at a local and wonderful pharmacy. Great memories


would love to read and share Corrigan’s book, i see many friends facing these challenges (and am looking at some of them myself) and reading is my therapy!


A book about how to foster connections with other human beings? Yes, please!

I love to give books too, though with the giant caveat of pestering people until they’ve actually read the darn thing (and then, much to their chagrin, pestering them for their opinion about the Best Book Ever–you loved it, right? RIGHT?).


Do you think it’s kismet that you happened to marry an editor?? I’m currently reading, “I’m Rich,” based on your recommendation, so will need a new read soon!


Books are the best gift! I just put The Things They Carried on my list- I am in the middle of watching the PBS documentary now..I also love the teenage edition and getting ideas for my girls!

Elizabeth Degenhard

I would love to read this book about topics with which I can empathize, as would my sisters, with whom I discuss parenthood and our age-80+ parents all the time. Thanks for these great suggestions–I love to give books, too, and now have a list to consult when doing so!


When our children were young, we often said no to their wants for toys, etc. They learned early on that if they asked for a book, they would get it! To this day (they’re 24 and 21), they still love time in a bookstore (In fact, they’re on a girls day out today and are perusing a used bookstore! I was sure to send my list with them 😉 ).

And, if I happen to be the lucky one that receives these 2 copies, I know just who I’m giving the 2nd one to. Thanks for the opportunity.


Dinner: A Love Story has become my go-to wedding gift. I write a note on the inside cover to the bride and groom along with a list of the recipes from the book that have become family favorites, along with any little notes about each, such as “Orzo Chicken Soup — the parmesan rind is a must!”

And, I’ve just added “Tell me More” to my TBR list, but would love the chance to read it early!

Kate S

I usually one click too but today I went into a store to buy Julia Turshen’s ‘Feed the Resistance’ and it was lovely!


My mom introduced Kelly Corrigan to me and I would love to win this to gift back to her. We have a tradition of giving books to each other, but reading them first! Would love to have my own copy as well (and not have to read hers!).


My mom introduced Kelly Corrigan to me and I would love to win this to gift back to her. We have a tradition of giving books to each other, but reading them first! Would love to have my own copy as well (and not have to read hers!).

Sue H

I could use some guidance in my life – sounds like a good read! My fingers are crossed.


Books and food, two of my very favorite things which is probably why I read your blog religiously.

Liza McArdle

Hey guess what! I love gifting Dinner a Love Story. That, along with How to Cook Everything, is actually kept out on my kitchen counter. I use it so frequently that I don’t even put it with the other cookbooks. PS: I don’t have kids. No matter, I love the recipes AND the stories. (And I might have been inspired to name my dog Phoebe after I read it-lol.)

Casey Bernard

I love all of these suggestions. I like give “How to Cook Everything” as a wedding shower gift along with a basket of cooking utensils. This looks like a great book for my book club.

Caitlin F

I have loved to read my whole life and totally agree with you, as always, books are the best gifts.


Thanks for the great book list! And, for helping me to not feel guilty about buying books!


Love this list and was multitasking and placing holds on several of these at my library. Excited to discover new books. I think books are brilliant thing to give generously!


One of my greatest joys is that I passed my love of reading on to my daughters. I’d love to win and share!


Books are the best baby shower gifts. I always give Goodnight Moon. Must add The Important Book to the package.


Oh! I even got to the bottom of the list and thought “*i* have a friend o walk/run with who would also like this book!”

Carole Hermanson

Thank you for the list – I love book recommendations! Would love to win a copy of Kelly Corrigan’s new book.

Leann Coleman

There is nothing more precious to give as a gift than a book. It is truly the most thoughtful gift to give or receive.


Thanks for sharing your list! I keep hearing about Kelly Corrigan, but haven’t read any of her books yet. Would love to win and share with a friend!


I loved Kelly’s book “The Middle Place”. I also love to give books as gifts. My dream job would be working in children’s publishing!!!


I haven’t read Kelly Corrigan’s books yet, but I certainly plan to in the future. This sounds like a perfect complement to a lot of quesstions I have been asking myself lately. I love reading your blog and recipes. Thank you!

Colleen C

I would love to win this ARC! I know just the person to give the second copy to as well.


Thanks for this lovely post. I had forgotten about “The Important Book” and just ordered it for my grandsons.

Carly B

One of my favorite things is sharing books with friends. I would love to win these! Thank you for your blog.


I just keyed in a bunch of these books into my library search engine and the only one I couldn’t find was the unreleased. I’ll be busy reading the others, but would love to read this new one as well!

PS. love your books. The hand-whipped cream … life changing and who would have thought, I find whipping cream ridiculously relaxing!?

Sherry Tomasky

I’m all in on th Kelly Corrigan book! Thanks for the chance to enter!

I’ve given your first book as a gift several times. It’s perfect for the household whose children are just coming into their own with eating patterns!

Erica Halliwell

Dinner a Love Story The Playbook just arrived yesterday to gift to a friend in Toronto next weeeknd!


6 yeas ago, my friend convened a book club with a fairly large membership. Very quickly, this devolved into endless scheduling difficulties, last minute cancelations, and a lot of apathy towards any one book suggestion. But a core group of 4 of us stuck it out, despite the fact that we’re wildly different, despite the fact that our lives have no other overlap. 6 years in, these women are crucial to my sanity, as we talk about love, parenting, life and death. I can’t wait to read “Tell me More” with them, and now I know what I’m getting everyone for Chrismukah!

Elenor Jeter

I would love to win Kelly’s new book. I loved her other books and have shared her Trancending toast tons of times with friends. Thanks for the opportunity!

Lisa Schwarz

I would LOVE copies of this book. I imagine I’d stay up all night reading–and know JUST the dear friend who needs the other. Thank you for your amazing blog.


Books have magical power and sharing that power with others is one of life’s true gifts. I would love to read Kelly’s book and know just who to share it with.


Your reading and cooking styles still remain eerily similar to my own. The Things they Carried is an all-time fave, too. I would love to get my paws on the new Corrugan book!


I will always spend money on books!! Just one-clicked Pizza Camp while reading this blog entry. My sister and I both love to read and it is something that we continually talk about, our reading and our students’ reading (she teaches 5th, I teach SPED inclusion K/1). My sister would love this book!


I have a 15 and 13 year old (and an 11,
5 and 3 yo) and my girlfriend and I have those same conversations on our sunday morning walk. I think we’d both love it!


Thanks for sharing these recommendations! I just ordered “A Life’s Work.” As someone who struggled mightily with
my own transition to motherhood 9 years ago, I’m eager to start reading it this weekend.


Love this list. Thanks for sharing! Yes, giving a treasured book is one of life’s great pleasures.


I love giving away (and receiving) books too! They are the best gifts. Rachel Corrigan’s new book sounds fantastic!

Zoe persina

Pick me! I also have a walking partner who needs a copy! I am also greedily buying most of the other books on your list for myself.

Heather Cates

I enjoyed this post so much! I’ll be picking up I Don’t Know How She Does It at my library this week, and I would like to read Tell Me More. I already have a friend in mind with whom I would share a copy. Thanks!


I have one of the books on this list (and it’s yours)! I use it all the time. I’ve gifted it as well!

Toni Reca Schultz

I love your (and your family’s) book recommendations as much as your recipes. Thank you!


I need this book in my life! I am in exactly the same stage of life as you but don’t have a girlfriend to power walk & talk with in my new town 2200 miles away from home.


Love giving books- Ratio by Michael Rhulman is a fav for sure. Would love to win- need a good read for a trip coming up soon sans my two littles! (I mean I love them)


Usually I read books from the library but when I find a winner I end up buying copies as gifts for most birthday/holiday/everyday gifts.

coral sayer

Great list, I just added several to my goodreads account. And i’m a book-as-gift giver too, loved your reasoning behind it.

Kelly Connolly

An account at a bookstore sounds lovely and dangerous. The best things are usually lovely and dangerous, yes? I have a thing for books too. You”ve inspired me to give the gift of books from here on out. Thanks!


Love this list! Just added a few to my Amazon cart… The Kelly Corrigan sounds beautiful and I know just the friend I’d share a copy 🙂

Helen Washington

I never can get enough book recommendations to add to my teetering stack. Thank you. Kelly Corrigan’s book seems to be the perfect sweet spot for my life right now. Win or not, I will look forward to reading it. Thank you!


This reminds me so much of your post about preparing food for people with new babies. Thanks for reminding us how easy friendship (and selflessness!) really can be.


Wow, this is the best book list ever! I want nearly every one for myself. Thanks for sharing!

Aimee Eaton

Hello! Is there an actual teenage version of Milk and Honey? I’d love to get a copy for a young friend of mine, but am only seeing a link to the standard?


What a wonderful liar! I gift some of these but am always looking for ideas. Thank you for more!


This one sounds fantastic. I have given your books out as wedding gifts many times. Books are the best gifts!


I love talking about book with my friend Heide. We also meet for walk-n-talks. I would love a chance to win these books.


I love talking about book with my friend Heide. We also meet for walk-n-talks. I would love a chance to win these books.


I feel like I just had a go at your personal library and notes and it seems so warm and fitting for fall!! I love sharing books and seeing what someone is currently reading. My mom is so great at reading and then she just passes the book along to me….I’m lucky!

Michaela Lee

So jealous your family had an account at a bookstore! That would’ve been my childhood dream. Instead I sat on the floor at Barnes and Nobles and read as many as I could until I was asked to leave 😉

Kelly N.

I love giving books as well! I’ve gifted friends copies of your original book to rave reviews.


That book sounds like it will echo and augment the thought reel in my mind, and my conversations with my dear friends, my runner gal pals with whom I share heartfelt conversation in the wee hours’ darkness, and my close-knit group of “co-mommies” (we’ve been mommy-ing together since 2000). I wanted to click the Amazon link to be Told More after reading your teaser. Please, please! I’d love five copies, but even one pre-order copy would be a tremendous treat!


I give a lot of books as gifts too. My go-to book gift for baby showers is Nursing Your Baby by Karen and Gail Pryor. It was my favorite book on nursing, and new moms need all the help they can get. I buy three at a time, so I always have one. I usually write my phone number in it too, for some personal encouragement.

Bridgit Cook

I was just thinking I should order two: one for my brother and one for me. I love your recipes, and your approach to eating/feeding, but I think I might appreciate your book reviews and Friday round ups most of all. Thanks for doing what you do.

Jennifer Chalet

Aw man, you just added a whole lot of books to my to-read list! Excited to dig in, the Corrigan book sounds right up my alley.


Thanks for your list. I’m intrigued by The Important Book. If I ever get time again to cook (once this baby grows up?), your Playbook is where I’m headed.


I LOVE THIS POST. Books are my favorite gift, too, and I’m endlessly curious about what books others give, and I have written down several titles here I did not know! And I’m a huge Kelly Corrigan fan, and can’t wait to read it (fun fact: she and I have the same birthday). xo


Your book “How to Celebrate Everything” is the perfect book for new families. It gives lots of “food” for thought and also great ideas for building traditions for your family. I give this book instead of something from the registry!


I love gifting books! It seems so much more thoughtful than other things (like a candle) plus when they finish you can get coffee and talk about the book!


Tell Me More sounds like one of my favorite books tiny beautiful things by Cheryl Strayed. I’ve read bits over and over again.

Katy Parkin

I just ordered A Life’s Work for a friend at work who is having her first baby any day now. Another hilarious read for new moms is Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott. Thanks so much for the recommendation!


Can’t wait to finish The Vietnam War (when my husband gets back from a work trip), read The Things They Carried, and hopefully get my hands on Kelly Corrigan’s latest! I just LOVED Glitter and Glue.

Jenifer Brunner

Books are a wonderful gift to give not just new books but books that you enjoy reading again again and that book recently has been M Train by Patti Smith. What a writer and a book I highly recommend giving to just about anyone.


I love your blog, Jenny. This post. This is my favorite ever. I love book recs and these are superb! Sending genuine thanks!


LOVE Kelly Corrigan. Her book The Middle Place helped our family through the diagnosis and successful treatment of breast cancer (two sisters at the same time diagnosed around tthebsame age as Corrigan when she was diagnosed). She’s a star!


Hi Jenny! How funny, I think my “weekly-ish walking partner” would enjoy this book also! We try to solve the world’s problems (or, at the very least, each other’s) one stride at a time!


I give Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers for baby showers/new baby/even 1st Birthdays. A friend recommended it for my babies and they still pick it to read at bedtime, almost 6 years later.
I also give your first cookbook to friends who seem overwhelmed with planning dinners for the family. As a pediatrician I see so many who rush through meals or never eat as a family, yet I think it’s so important and worth all the effort to make it happen.

Kendra K.

Just had lunch with my friend Heather (for my birthday!) and we just talked about all these adult things. I’d love to give her the book.

Kim Cryer

I’ve read books you and your husband have recommended here on the blog, and you never disappoint! This book sounds spot on for what gives me “monkey mind” , & I would love to share a copy with my walking partner too!!


I love Kelly Corrigan, especially “Glitter and Glue”. I actually have, and love, three of the books on your list – including yours, of course! Books are, hands down, my favorite gift to give and receive, especially for kids.


Whenever my grandparents would come to visit, they would always take is to the bookstore to get whatever we wanted. I love books as gifts!
And I loved the Middle Place, so it would be great to read Corrigan’s new book. Oh, and while I am talking about what I love, I bought Dinner a Love Story in hard cover… and then bought the Kindle version, so it would be easily accessible wherever I am meal planning.


Oh my, I’d love to win this! My best friend and I live on opposite sides of the world and we have a 2-woman International Book Club. We’re both new mums so we’re trying – trying! – to read interesting books to stay in touch and be able to participate in grown-up conversations. Love the blog. xx

Barb in Phx

I am the auntie who always gives books for birthdays and holidays. I’ve discovered and shared many new favorite titles through reading your blog.


When I was a kid, I was always “that kid” who showed up at a birthday party with a book as my gift. I felt so lame- all the other kids had barbies and cool presents. But now I’m totally with you- books are the best gifts.

Lisa Hathaway

I love love love buying books. And borrowing books. And lending books. And talking about books. I recently received a surprise package from a dear friend with two new recommendations from her. This seems like a great package to respond with. 🙂 Love your book recommendations!


I love giving books – almost as much as I love reviving them. I’ve recently given some great teacher gifts 🙂


Jenny, I’ve been reading your blog forever, I own all of your books, and I have long thought that you were the best sort of person. This post confirms it. I’m already all grown up, but I still want to be like you. And now, I’m off to one click a book to someone. ❤️


I have a dear friend battling Leukemia right now and she’s looking for more books to read. I’d love to give her a copy and read it along with her so we can discuss it when she’s up to it.


Love this — books are the best and I agree, they do not fit into any of my other buying habits, i.e. I just “acquired” seven books at our local independent bookstore during their anniversary sale! A long time ago, I walked into a bookstore in Point Reyes, CA during a reading — and I recognized the passage being read — it was Kelly Corrigan reading from The Middle Place which my sister had just sent me. Would love to send her Tell Me More! Thanks for all your writing and cooking….

Emalie Sundale

I loved reading this list and put most of them in my amazon cart already. I have a dear friend who is always sending me books that make her think or love or make her think of me or that she thinks I will love. It’s one of my favorite relationships and they are always my favorite gifts. I’d give this book to her.

One book I always buy my friends that find out they are expecting is “The Read Aloud Handbook” on the benefits of reading to your babies and what it doesn’t for their brains. I actually gave a copy to my coworker today.

Deanne Koehn

I love your posts about books every bit as much as I do your posts about food.

My policy with my 6-year-old is that I never say NO to books. We have started listening to Audible Books because I just couldn’t listen to the rotation of the soundtracks of Trolls and Moana anymore. We listened to all of The Penderwicks and Clementine. My latest books to hand out are Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist and The Bright Hourby Nina Riggs.

I would love to read an advance copy of Kelly Corrigan’s next book if you wouldn’t mind sharing.

Thanks – Deanne

Kate S

I am a penny pincher in most respects and used to exclusive shop for books at used book sales and thrift stores (and amassed quite a library). I have only recently started being profligate when it comes to books—it is wonderfully freeing to just buy a book at full price just because it sounds good!


I too love books and enjoy picking them out for gifts. My favorite book club meeting was when we each brought a book to give a member who was moving away – I was in the bookstore sweating over which of my top 3 to gift her! Love Corrigan’s other books and will pre order this one although I would love to win 2 copies – I know exactly who I would gift the 2nd to!!

Amy Wright

My sister, cousin, and I discovered your books this summer during our vacation. Your recipes and beautiful writing are inspiring! We are also longtime fans of Kelly Corrigan! Thanks for the heads-up on her new book. Can’t wait to read it. Thank you so much for sharing your family stories!


Great suggestions – I’m especially looking forward to reading Logo Type, The Important Book, Tell Me More, and In the Lake of the Woods (I loved The Things They Carried too and being reminded of it here makes me want to read it again). Thanks for introducing me to these. I am already the proud owner of Dinner the Playbook (which makes a great hostess gift). Your description of Deceptively Delicious made me laugh. Parenting has a way of setting you straight.


I have often told friends that my best book recommendations have come from a ‘food blogger’! You are always spot on! Patient HM and When Breath Becomes Air, two of my all time favorites! I look forward to buying every book on this list!


Just ordered milk and honey for my daughter, she’s only 8 but it seems like a great book to have handy when the time comes for her to need extra inspiration to be herself.


oh, man….jenny, you lost me at the Jessica Seinfeld endorsement. i thought you and i were simpatico!!! no, you can’t hide the vegetables. deception is not ok. kids figure it out and resent you. and then they NEVER eat their vegetables! i really hate that whole concept. am i judgey? probably. pffft.


I always love your recommendations & I knew after reading your description that I needed this book!

Sarah Fulkerson

Love Kelly Corrigan and would love to score her new book before Christmas! Thank you xo


We have a bookstore in my town, and we love going there to pick out new books a few times a year!


I am such a big book-buyer too! I can’t seem to stop myself. I want to know if our local independent bookstore would open a family account for my kids. That is the coolest idea. How’s that for a way to raise a reader!

Anna Wagstaff

Corrigan’s book sounds fabulous.
Living in Switzerland has been really difficult. I have missed my friends, family, the glories of Boston, trader joes…but now we are moving back to the US. I am so worried about the change. Will we miss our life of travel and learning French? Will I be able to orient myself in the suburbs without skyscrapers or the Alps to orient myself? Will I be able to survive without European vacation standards? Should I get pregnant now or go back to work in a field I’m not passionate about, but pays well? Are we stupid to buy the house we love now when we are moving in 3 months and our stuff won’t arrive until 2 months later?
I know everything will be ok. I’ve done hard things before, but all these questions went through my mind last night.

(I’m not Jewish, but I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood so reading/cooking out of Modern Jewish cooking is everything to me. Its like stepping back in time.)


I’m smack dab in the middle of a life period of having to learn to say (or not say) lots of things. I could use a little (literary) company. Thanks for the chance!


this collection of essays sounds great! i’d love to read it.
i also love giving books to people. reading is my all-time favourite activity!


I also love to give books! I have a favorite that I give to all newly engaged couples, one I always give expectant mothers, etc. The giving usually prompts me to reread said book:)


I’ve been on the receiving end of so much love and compassion from friends in this shitshow of a year, in which my father and my ex-husband both died unexpectedly. I’d (a) love to read the Corrigan book myself and (b) give a copy to my BFF since high school, whose father died the morning of my father’s funeral. (2017: SO GREAT.)

Heidi Devereaux

I would love to win but mostly for my friend. She is a great Mom who is going through some HORRIBLE stuff with her young adult kids. It would be such a nice little act of kindness to give it to her.

Abby M

Would love to win the two copies. I would give one during our book club holiday party where we do a “Yankee Swap”. We read one of Kelly’s earlier books some years ago and these ladies would love to have access to another of her wonderful looks on life.

Erin White

When I was in high school I worked at a bookstore and I was always jealous of the kids whose families had accounts. Seemed like the ultimate luxury to just get a book whenever you wanted one. Now that I’m an adult I set up an account of sorts for myself…also known as Amazon Prime.


For many years, I gave new moms “A Family of Poems” by Caroline Kennedy. It is a nice collection to introduce poetry into someone’s life. Books truly are the best gifts to give/receive. I love that you add books you read into your food blog. And last but not least…OMG, “my” food blogger/author knows one of my favorite authors! It’s a small world 🙂 Kelly is a fabulous story teller (in writing and in front of a group) and I would love to get an advance copy.

ANgie gassner

Books are my fave too!!! We try to use the library a ton, but there’s nothing like a well curated home library to be able to share with friends!!


Thank you for the list, I love getting book recommendations. Need to add a few to my reading list.


The bookstore I managed for 10 years also offered accounts for regulars. I always loved it when the kids would come in and put books on their parents’ accounts! Some were blasé, but others always looked like they thought they were getting away with the grandest heist. Thanks for the reminder. xo M


I also love to give books, but when it’s not a new release, I always worry that the person will have already read it! It’s tricky!


I’m also a book gift giver! Always feels great when I nail it and they tell me how it was the perfect thing they needed.


Definitely commenting for this! Your blog has led me to some of my very favorite books. In fact, it was only after reading a number edited by Andy that I realized I should start looking for books that share certain editors, the same way I might try wines based on who imports them. Can’t wait to read this next one whether or not I win it!


When it comes to books we have no budget in our house! This is such a great post – thank you for all of the GREAT recommendations.


I would love to get and give a copy of the Corrigan book. So exciting to have advance copies!


I love your blog and really look forward to your book recommendations. I have daughters ages 15 and 12 – your kids/teen book recs are the best! My 15 year old just read The Things They Carried – will have to order her the next one and look for the PBS series!


I have so much trouble finishing books recently! It’s the shorter days…boo!…but also yay! fall!

Michele Jacques

Books are the best gifts and I automatically gravitate toward people who get excited about them. People who don’t read? It’s harder to connect.


love Kelly Corrigan too! Here’s a story:
I get Kelly’s book club emails, and two summers ago she mentioned something abut going to a lacrosse tournament the next weekend. My daughter also had a lacrosse tournament, so I wrote back asking if by any cahnce it was the same one. I never expeced a response – I thought a marketing person sent this out en masse.
Needless to say I was thrilled when Kelly responded and said, yes, she would be there. But then, sadly, I couldn’t go beacause I had to do something with my son that weekend. My husband took my daughter, and she ended up playing Kelly’s daughter’s team. Honestly, I ‘m still kicking myself for not going.


I would love to win this for my sister. She will be turning 50 in March and I think the essays would resonate with her.


I love to give books and to get them, so if I’m lucky enough to win the drawing, it’s the best of both worlds. This sounds like a great book!


The Middle Place was one of my favorite books and came to me at a time in my life when I needed it. Can’t wait to read another one of her books!

Maggie H.

I love gifting books! I look forward to checking out your recommendations above. I recently purchased Modern Jewish Cooking and now I think my cookbook collections won’t be complete without Pizza Camp. (Yes, I have a book problem.)


What a wonderful post!! Thank you! Books make such personal and lovely gifts. I would add: “Great With Child” by Beth Ann Fennelly to the list of books to give a friend who is expecting! I would love to win the Corrigan books, sounds like required reading!

Jenne Parsons

I love books that spark conversations! I’m especially interested in anything that helps me to connect with my 13-year-old daughter.


Thank you for reminding me to send Dinner a Playbook to a friend! Books make the best gifts 🙂

Corey Gafnea

I love the idea of having an account at your local bookstore!! GREAT idea. I think I’ll share that with my local bookstore in my very small town. I enjoy your blog and have both of your cook books.
Thanks for the book recs and the generous giveaway.

Beth Brown

Well, obviously I would love a copy of Kelly Corrigan’s newest book (especially in advance of the publishing date!), but I also felt compelled to add a couple books to your quite awesome list:

When Breath Becomes Air — by Paul Kalanthi….I realize this book was edited by your husband, but that is not why I add it to your list. I read this book shortly after it came out. I find myself touching it, re-reading it, thinking about it – all of these things, SO often. It is truly a remarkable thought-provoking — and heart-wrenching – book.

Welcome To The Monkey House – short stories by Kurt Vonnegut — a book that I come back to over and over in my life, especially to “Harrison Bergeron” and “More Stately Mansions”. I refer to these short stories on a regular basis, as the lessons learned from reading them/inhaling them are extensive and key to a good life. Not that I am an expert or anything. 🙂

Julie Harrison

I too love books and sharing them with others. Thank you for posting this list of recommendations. I can’t wait to read Tell Me More.


Oh, in the middle of so many things – work and three mostly-grown kids, and two young grandsons and 80-something parents and childless aunts for whom we are responsible. All are such wonderful, wonderful things, but sometimes feel like we are going under. A fresh perspective might be encouraging!


I appreciate your reminding me about “The Middle Place” — a book I have shared with others — and letting me know about her new book! Thanks for the chance to win two copies!!

Emily Redding

I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd, and hormones have had my mind spiraling thinking about raising my daughter, her future baby sibling, the loss of my independence, missing my granddad and ny dad who both passed away in the last couple years and will never get to know my kids, and crying over commercials with dogs and babies (the Amazon Prime one with the lion costume).
Anyways , what I’m getting at is that your book recommendations really speak to me, and now I’m dying to read Corrigan’s book. And many of the others.
Thank you Jenny.

P.s. I own all your cookbooks and they are hands down my favorites, your first being one I have gifted myself.


I could sure use this book! I’m about to drop off my youngest daughter for college and become an “empty nester”. I’m learning to hate that term…


I could sure use this book! I’m about to drop off my youngest daughter for college and become an “empty nester”. I’m learning to hate that term…could sure use a laugh


So happy I read this before the contest is over! I’m usually a belated reader. I love gifting books!


I love this – I’m going to recommit to only giving books and consumables for the holidays this year, and these are suggestions for good books to add to my list!

Liz Lee

Thank you so much for these recommendations! I’m always looking for books to give! x


I would absolutely love love love an advanced copy of this book! Kelly Corrigan is one of my favorite authors. I often see everything I’m feeling reflected on her pages. I was lucky enough to see her at a reading/book signing for her last book. I have been waiting for another to come out!


Four months ago I fell off the book reading wagon. This book sounds like just the thing to get me back on it!


Four months ago I fell off the book reading wagon. This book sounds like it would be a great book to help me get back on it.


Thank you for these suggestions. A friend is going through a tough time, and a couple of these seem like they might fit the bill.

Kate K

Last year my good friends received “How to Celebrate Everything “ from me for Christmas, and my kids always get a book under their pillow Christmas morning. Book gifts are the best!


Love the suggestions, would love to win! Always interested in good books and cookbooks….they make me happy!

Deonne Swanson

The first place we look for when we are on vacation is a bookstore (even better if it is independent). I think my kids have spent the bulk of their non-school lives in the aisles of a bookstore!

Lindsay A.

I really resonate with how buying and giving books can fall outside our usual budgetary concerns. I love handing someone the right book at the right time.


This book is exactly what I need right now, and I would so much love to share it with my daughter. Corrigan is wonderful, and her insights resonate.


My oldest daughter who just started high school came home in tears yesterday, and then my dad texted me last night that he needs a hip replacement, yikes. I probably really need this book.

Teresa Hill

One of the greatest things about having your kids get older is them sharing books with you! Now I can ask my 28 year old daughter what to read and she can pass off her books to me! I just started a neighborhood book club with 5 other women and our first book is The Rules Do Not Apply by Ariel Levy. There are some books I feel like I should always carry around with me to hand off to people–like My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante!

Rachel Li

The Kelly Corrigan book looks right up my alley at this stage of my life!
Thank you for the terrific post. I’ve “lurked” on your blog for years without posting (and also have all your cookbooks!) — I thought it was finally time to post and tell you how much I’ve enjoyed your writing and found the recipes useful. By the way: Another Margaret Wise Brown favorite of ours that doesn’t get nearly as much love in the general population as “Goodnight, Moon” is “The Dead Bird,” a picture book explaining death in a practical, matter-of-fact, but totally gentle and kid-friendly way. Also: A recent favorite read of mine that I plan to buy copies of and give away to friends this Christmas: “Arbitrary Stupid Goal” by Tamara Shopsin. Beautifully written, funny, quirky, thought-provoking. Sounds cliched but I really did laugh and cry while reading it!

Diane Lans-Kautz

I am also a big fan of giving books as gifts. But I have never read Kelly Corrigan and would love the opportunity! Your blog is a favorite of mine – thank you for your gift of wrting.

M. Alicia

Besides the great recipes in your blog, one of my favorite things you do is recommend books! I have picked up countless books because of your or your families recommendations! Keep it up!

Thank you so very much!


Hi Jenny,
I love your list of books. I would like to share that your recommendation of What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami completely changed my attitude toward running. I just could not make it a habit because I was so bored while doing it. After reading this wonderful gem of a memoir, I became more observant of the familiar sights, sounds and quirks of my route. I started to reflect on how I felt about my run. After a while, my whole outlook changed. I’ve shared this book with runners, walkers and have moved on to telling other exercisers about it. In the end, this book is about so much more than running. It’s reflection on the simple rhythms that make up our daily lives. So, again, thanks for recommending this short and impactful book.


What a great post! This book you’re giving away sounds like something I would love to read. Currently my mother-in-law lives with my husband and me and our three-year old and the thoughts that keep me awake are the annoyance of parenting with an audience, how to navigate grief, and responsibility towards family. Phew! I’ll pick some other of her books in the meantime.

Love your blog and books and your generosity in sharing what you’ve learned along the way!

Ashley G.

I had the same experience growing up; weekly trips to the bookstore were the norm. Now I find that I can never tell my kids no when they ask for a book too. Would love to add Tell Me More to my bookshelf!

Sarah Kastner

Oh my word I love her writing! My friend Jill and I would both enjoy reading her newest 🙂

Marian Menke

Books books books! Thanks for sharing. Good for me, my daughter, daughter-in-law and granddaughter!


I had a similar experience growing up in Westchester as a kid–no account at the local bookstore BUT I knew my mom would buy me anything I wanted at Waldenbooks (or any bookstore for that matter). I truly think I could have come to the check out with a hundred books and she would have said, “is that it?” I’m grateful that I’m coming to that part of parenting where I feel like I can start making more time for my own reading now that my girls are 5 & 8. I’m also glad that they are crazy book-lovers, too!


What a wonderful tradition (ritual?). I often think of sending this book or that to a friend, and then think: “Won’t that seem weird? To just get a random book in the mail?” Thanks for inspiring me to be weird!


I know the giveaway is over, but I had comment about the new mom selection. I read “I don’t know how she does it” and cried and cried through it. I knew it was supposed to be funny! Ugh, hormones and motherhood are inescapable.


For empowering-girls poetry, I’d recommend Nejma and Salt by Nayyirah Waheed (she also posts excerpts on Instagram). Beautiful, amazing observations and mantras!


A Life’s Work said me when I had my first child nearly 7 years ago. It was the perfect antidote to all of the messages one gets when they are pregnant and have a baby. I just sent a copy to my sister in law yesterday.


We love pizza so much at our house we Are building our own wood fired pizza oven. Always on the lookout for new pizza cookbooks. Thanks for all the great book recommendations.


Thank you for suggesting these beautiful books. Gonna find some of them to read in free time. I have never given books to anyone as a gift, but I’d love to lend my friends my books whenever they want.

Ellen Scott

When I was a child, in my home we have a big bookshelf and that is where my passion with book start. A Life’s Work: On Becoming a Mother is book I wanna read at this time.

Mona Cardwell

I love to read and am moved by your generous spirit of sharing books you’ve loved. Books are so nourishing–they are as essential as food. Recently I read Daniel Mendelson’s An Odyssey, Gail Godwin’s Grief Cottage and Gabriel Tallent’s My Absolute Darling. Looking forward to checking out your recommendations.

Laura Coulter

I love sending books as gifts! I sent copies of Wild and Dear Sugar (Cheryl Strayed) to 10 friends one year, Robert Munsch’s “Love You Forever” is a staple baby gift and I recently went to Value Village and bought 24 books, wrapped them each up and have them ready for the 24 nights before Christmas (for my cousin’s kids). I was thinking to send 40 books to 40 friends this year to celebrate…40 years of reading for me?! I’d love send the Kelly Corrigan book on too.


“When I was a kid, my family had an account at the local bookstore, a privilege I don’t remember enjoying anywhere else in town. I felt so cool stopping in, picking up the latest V.C. Andrews novel, then then telling whoever was working behind the counter, Just charge it to “Rosenstrach.” ”

Oh man, I had the same thing growing up and I felt the exact same way about it. Just utterly cool. And I don’t remember ever abusing it to buy chocolates or any non-book items – and my parents paid my ridiculous charges for books without blinking. Thank you parents!

Shannon DiLauro

I love books! And I want to read all of your suggestions. Especially Tell Me More!


I am also a huge fan of giving books away to people! One of my favorite things is figuring out which of my friends would connect with a particular book and then giving them my book after I finish. I always write my name in the front page of my books in the hopes that others will do the same and continue it on — I dream that one day I’ll come across one of my old books in a used bookstore or will have one given back to me and will be able to trace its history. I know it’s a longshot, but I think it would be so cool.

Also, milk + honey is such a wonderful book, and I loved reading Phoebe’s reason for why she gave it to her friend. How wonderful that she was able to recognize that her friend was going through a tough time and thought this book would reveal her inner strength. That’s a lovely young lady you have!


These recommendations are wonderful. I can’t wait to read Rachel Cusk’s book. One of my favorite books I read when my daughter was an infant was Anne Lamott’s Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son’s First Year. It made me laugh and cry with recognition of just how hard that first year is. Thank you!
