Reading & Eating

Thanks so much for all the feedback on the new layout — hopefully most of your concerns have been addressed by now, but please keep the requests (and compliments!) coming. It’s been so interesting hearing how you guys read this blog,  you have no idea. Meanwhile, I was so consumed with the redesign that I forgot to run this round-up last week. So here you go, your Friday round-up on Tuesday:

Ever since I saw this shot above on instagram, it’s been my go-to starter for dinner parties. Just add a baguette or gluten free crackers and you’re set. (Photo credit @vickimorton)

Well, most of us can’t be Danny Meyer, but now at least we know how to make a Shake Shack cheeseburger at home.

If you read nothing else this week, make sure it’s Elizabeth Kolber’s “A Stone for My Grandmother.” 

We made Deb’s pie for Joanna and Alex a few weekends ago and it was just the thing to brighten up winter.

Homemade madelines
? Not as complicated as they look.

Currently obsessed with Black Mirror, BBC’s futuristic Twilight Zone-ish series about the dark side of technology. (Think “Her” times a thousand.) Warning: Not for the faint of heart.

Did someone say “dark side of technology?” How one stupid tweet can ruin a person’s life.

The 20 Most Instagrammed NYC Restaurant Dishes.

My comic-book nerd is loving Marvel’s Agent CarterAnd I don’t know how we’d survive long snowed-in afternoons without Gilmore Girls on Netflix.

It’s not all screen time in our house. My 12-year-old is still super into Muse Magazine, which I find is especially wonderful for sciencey kids.

And I know I’m late to the party on this, but I can’t remember the last time I was so into a novel. (Remember the new Good Reads section of this blog will track all book news in our house.)

Lastly, fun news: Blue Apron, the dinner delivery service is offering DALS  readers two free meals off of their first order. Click here to get started. Thanks Blue Apron!

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Filed under: Round-Ups

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Working on the Blue Apron link—not sure why it’s not working for some of you. Stay tuned and sorry!


So excited about the Blue Apron coupon. I have been wanting to try it. I just clicked on your link and this is the message I get: This coupon is not redeemable. If you believe this is in error, please contact us at Is there another trick?


Unfortunately, the link for the Elizabeth Kolbert article does not work – but you can find her article “The last trial” on or in the Feb 16 issue.


OK, Blue Apron link should now be fixed (with some minor tweaks). Sorry for the trouble everyone – I was not near a computer all day so couldn’t address! Enjoy!


I cannot even tell you how much I love that book. I made my mother and sister read it and we are all obsessed. I am thinking of writing the author and asking him to write a prequel about her father. Even if I am the only one who wants it!


“All the Light We Cannot See” has been in my queue for some time, I am going to start it once I am done with my current book, can’t wait!
Muse magazine sounds like a nice option for a birthday gift for my kids. And key lime pie? Love!


I like the new layout! I also like that the content has the same catching up with a friend and talking about food and life vibe that I love about DALS.
I might try Blue Apron. I’ve been curious about it and it might be fun to break away from the old standbys I’ve been making lately


I think I leave the same comment every time, BUT your lists are always the best! Read just about all of them and saving “A Stone for My Great-Grandmother” for later this week… Also, the “20 Most Instagrammed NYC Restaurant Dishes” has inspired me to plan a trip to NYC soon (once it warms up, of course!) and has also made me very hungry.


Regarding the article A Stone for my Great Grandmother, always keep in mind there will be one more judgement seat that everyone will have to stand before and all that took part in this atrocity will be held accountable.


I LOVE YOU! I enjoyed Shake Shack for the first time during this year’s snowpocalpse at JFK. We don’t have one in my state (the nearest one is a solid 5 hours away, in a city that I’ve spent a grand total of 3 days in).

Nicolas - Sugar'n'Salé


I am a French culinary blogger ( so excuse my English a little awkward ) and I came to see What did our friends across the Atlantic .

I am delighted by your blog , beautiful pictures and beautiful recipes.
