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Books, Gifts, CultureDrinks

Small-Batch, Big-Hit Gifts for Dad

By June 13, 2016June 16th, 20162 Comments

Those of you who follow me on instagram have already been reminded, but wanted to make the rest of you aware of the fact that DALS readers get 15% off at Mouth this week. Mouth, purveyor of independent, artisanal foods, has been a longtime partner of Dinner: A Love Story, and if you want to know why that is the case, you don’t have to look much further than this Father’s Day Gin & Tonic kit. But I also like the look of their subscription gifts, which are delivered immediately in the form of a digital welcome kit. I promise there’s something for everybody, so head over there to take a look. And don’t forget: Type in DALS15 at checkout for the discount.



  • Avatar Trang Do says:

    Great gifts! Love these ideas!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  • Avatar Trang Do says:

    Great picks!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

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