Greetings on this April Monday. I hope everyone had at least one beautiful spring day like New York had yesterday — 65 degrees and blue sky. I had grand ambitions for organizing the basement, but ended up outside all day, reading/breakfasting/lunching on the patio, running, hiking a local trail along the Hudson River. And I’m A-OK with that! We visited our neighbor’s last night before dinner (they set us up way across the yard from them), and watched the first two episodes of Fauda. Kicking off Week 6, here’s today’s PPP…

Pantry: The Best Scrambled Eggs
Eggs are the ingredient I’m most afraid of running out of these days. Actually, quarantine has nothing to do with that fear — I’m obsessive about keeping fresh eggs in the house even during the best of times. Once a week I’ve been picking up a dozen from our farmer’s market to supplement the cartons we’ve been scrounging up elsewhere, and the girls know to ask permission before using these for their various baking projects. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no better way to eat those fresh eggs than in as pure a state as possible: Scrambled for breakfast. Yesterday’s batch was particularly flavorful and I prepped them my favorite way, whisking in about 2 tablespoons of freshly grated Parmesan, a tablespoon of chives and a dash of water with two deep-orange yolked eggs. (Plus S&P, of course.) I like soft eggs, so cooked them in a nonstick (greased with a pat of butter) over super low heat until they were set but not blistered. Eating outside with a cup of coffee…is there any better way to start the day?

Project: Stromboli Two Ways
For a while, when the girls were little, we used to make Stromboli on Fridays. I guess it was our version of pizza night — it felt like a celebratory way to end the week, everyone sitting on the counter adding toppings to the dough before Mom or Dad would very carefully roll it up and brush with oil. (And I could never seem to write about it without adding an exclamation point…Stromboli!) The truth is, it’s easy and practical enough to make on a weeknight, too. We made two last week, one classic (tomato sauce, sausage, mozzarella, Parmesan, basil) and….

…and one riff on our favorite Joe Beddia pizza (spring cream, kale, pickled onions, mozzarella, Parm, show above.) It’s way more involved than the classic, but it pays off in spades.

Purpose: Family Dinner 101
Still my favorite hobby: Finding evidence of “the sanctity of family dinner.” Here’s the latest mention in a really great profile of Anthony Fauci in last week’s New Yorker. (Reminder: There’s a paywall once you hit a certain number of articles per month.)
Stay safe, stay home.
The goal of the Project, Pantry, Purpose series to keep us sane, distracted, and connected. Please continue to comment below with suggestions for recipes, projects (for kids and adults), good deeds, donation ideas, stories, movies, games, puzzles. Or just tell me how you’re doing, what your daily routine is, and especially how DALS can help you or people in your community. You can also email me directly at jenny@dinneralovestory.com.
The article on Dr. Fauci was excellent. What a good guy. Also, we will be making Stromboli this weekend, it looks delicious. Thank you for this series, I am really enjoying it.
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank-you for this series! It’s become my routine to check every single day’s post, and try recipes you provide. It’s nice to have something consistent to look for each day 🙂
So glad you look forward to it Natalie, thanks for writing!
You found your iron!
Love the stromboli idea – going to use it for my students. AND I found the Pizza Camp cookbook available on Hoopla so I can have a look at it (no book books from my local library). It’s sunny here and I had a good online class with my grade 11 students. It’s been a good Monday. Take care
Thank you, especially for the article on Dr. Fauci. He’s my hero!
Not sure why this is in italics.
As usual, your posts are keeping me sane in this crazy world we’re living in now. Great article on Dr. Fauci. Delicious looking stromboli.
Love the tablecloth in the top picture! May I ask where it’s from?
And have been loving this series – thank you for giving me something on the internet to look forward to every day!
Thank you, Ann. It’s a John Robshaw tablecloth, but these days hard to find for some reason. Sometimes they come up on amazon.
Eggs are the food we ration too! During the olden days, we would go through 5 dozen in 1.5 weeks. We have 2 adults and 2 kids eating them everyday for breakfast, sometimes dinner and the occasional bake.
It’s just me and my boyfriend- no kids- but we’re trying to preserve the sanctity of “Family” dinner every night too. More often than I’d like, that means eating between 9:30 and 10pm (he’s a lawyer and is super busy through all of this…) and eating and chatting while watching something (the dining table is our desk…), but the idea of eating without him, or him eating without me, makes me very sad. It’s just so important!
Making these two strombolis tonight!