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The Candy Roll-Out

By November 1, 2010October 4th, 201116 Comments

Halloween Night: Eat until face falls off
Lunch next day: Two candies
After dinner: Four candies
Tuesday lunch: One
Tuesday after dinner : Three
Wednesday after dinner: Two
Thursday after dinner: Two
Friday after dinner: One
Saturday at any point: One
Sunday: Done*

*Parents should find ways to surreptitiously either eat a good portion of the candy themselves, or throw it away in a manner that does not raise suspicion.


  • Avatar Amanda says:

    Agreed. A few parents on our list serv keep trying to sell this idea of the Halloween Fairy which apparently takes the bag of candy in the middle of the night and leaves a toy in exchange. Not only do I think that is silly beyond words but my son might do physical harm to the fairy.

  • Avatar Vicki says:

    my plan includes donating to a local nursing home by the end of the week…I find that after a week goes by they don’t even ask for it anymore, plus it gets it out of my line of vision!!

  • Avatar ohio12 says:

    I thought I was the only mean mom that made it slowly go away! Each night I throw a few pieces away, I put a few in the freezer for my husband to take to work when he packs a lunch. It is just WAY too much.

  • Avatar MommyLisa says:

    Boo Boo gets a piece here and there when she asks for it…then I eventually chuck the candy no one wants.

    It seems weird to me to donate it – if the giver wanted it donated they would have done that, don’t you think? But I understand it is a popular solution.

  • Avatar Mendy says:

    This is where my skills in garboflage come in handy.

  • Avatar Damaris @Kitchen Corners says:

    I still haven’t figured out what is best. Mainly I want him to just get rid of it as soon as possible.

  • Avatar Jen says:

    we do candy day. They can divide candy up into small snack size baggies (or an eco friendly product) then each Saturday they can have one bag. It last a long while, but it’s nice in teaching delayed gratification…as they wait on all candy until that special day.

  • Avatar Angie says:

    Our local dentist buys back candy for $1 per pound. Our school does an adopt a family program to provide food and gifts for families in need over the holidays. So, we have a box at the school and kids bring in their candy. I make my kids bring all the candy they don’t like, plus 10 pieces of candy they do like. The school takes it to the dentist. He gives them $1 per pound (plus he matches the amount) and they use that money to help the adopt a family program. It makes my kids feel good about getting rid of the candy.
    The stuff we keep I let them keep 10 pieces out, and freeze the rest. I take it out for them when we go to movies or need special snacks, etc.

  • Avatar Alyssa says:

    I actually think the Halloween fairy is a great idea. My daughter (who is scarily obsessed with her Halloween candy) is on board! She just picked out the two pieces she’s going to eat tonight, and the rest is going to go outside tonight.

  • Avatar carina schott says:

    ration candy the first night (just enough to make them kind of sick, for our kids it’s 3-4 pieces of candy)
    let them sort through all the candy and put it into piles
    (plus, pile for mom and pile for dad)
    by night two everyone is sick of candy and they forgot
    an awesome desert (fruit based) helps!

    until they remember next week!

    love – nonchalant mom!

  • Avatar Britta says:

    All great solutions, but I can’t help but think that if no one wants all the candy, then a) why go to so many houses to collect candy and b) isn’t it time to make other “treats” more of the norm? Stickers, erasers, crayons, notepads, matchbox cars, bubbles, tattoos. There are so many other options. I look forward to the day when it’s not just the “weird” parents who give out non-sugary treats.

  • Avatar Chrisina says:

    Two words — gingerbread house!
    Well, all but the chocolate, we eat that…

  • Avatar Sarah Buttenwieser says:

    We have a great family tradition: the candy buy back ($$ go to charity of the kid’s choice): read about it–

  • Avatar My2girls says:

    I can see from the photo I am not the only house this Halloween with a Hermione Granger. I went as Professor McGonagall. Great fun. I second the Gingerbread house idea. My daughter has already picked out the things she think would make good shutters, a smokestack, windows, etc.

  • Avatar joanna goddard says:

    haha this is hilarious! 🙂

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