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Friday Eating & Reading

By September 8, 2016September 10th, 20166 Comments

Look what showed up on my doorstep yesterday! To those of you who have pre-ordered How to Celebrate Everything 1) THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY FULL AND HAPPY HEART and 2) It should be arriving on your doorstep in a little over a week. (Had I known my advance delivery was arriving, I would’ve gotten a pedicure.)

What else I’m reading and eating this week:

Trader Joe Meal Hacks

Ever wanted to know what life is like for the most influential restaurant reviewer in the country? Here’s your chance.

Pie crust goals.

Hesitant to Make that Big Life Change? Permission Granted.

On the other hand: When it comes to making change, “smaller is smarter.”

Everything Bagel “gallette-lettes.” Am I dreaming?

Food Trends of Summer 2016. (We’ve got number one covered!)

30 Quick & Easy School Lunches

Why I Quit My Job to Travel the World

Touting the crazy hours you work helps no one.

My friend Marcie, who might be the most capable person I know, makes the prettiest notecards, and they’re now available on etsy.

How to help your daughter deal with the mean girl. (I am realllly ready to not need this advice anymore.)

Why lonely people stay lonely.

Lastly, Anna Dewdney, author of the Llama Llama books for kids, died on September 3 after a 15-month battle with brain cancer. We never read her books in our house, but we will respect her last wish (which she requested in lieu of a funeral) no problem. I say we all do.


  • Libby Monaghan says:

    My niece turned 10 this year and recently had her first mean girl experience. Thanks for this article that I can pass along to my heart-broken sister in law.

  • Avatar Anne says:

    Thanks for sharing the news about Anna Dewdney. She’s a favorite in our household and I had no idea she was sick. It hits particularly close to home as my husband also has brain cancer. Hug your loved ones and read lots of stories!

  • Maureen @Raising The Capable Student says:

    When my 12 year old daughter has had a tough day (or a good day), she loves to snuggle on the couch and watch Gilmore Girls. Thank you, Jenny, for suggesting that show on one of your posts last Spring. We love it, and it is a good antidote for when mean girls strike.

  • Avatar Awads says:

    I’m heart-broken over Anna Dewdney’s passing. My son loved her book so much that he could recite them at age 3. They have such a sweet rhythm and always on-point. Even though he’s 9 and has outgrown them, we still keep them on the shelf. I haven’t had the heart to tell him she’s died, but we will continue to read together for as long as he’s game. It’s the best part of my day.

  • blissmamaof3 says:

    Really loving these posts! And the mean girl thing? Really, really ready to be done.

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