Anatomy of a Summer Weeknight

The Scene:
Tuesday Night. Dad out, 13-year-old at camp, me at office, five minutes from home. Pouring.

4:00 Receive text at work from 15-year-old: Can we see The Big Sick tonight? 
4:03 Quick Flixster scan of movie times. Me: 6:15 show, be ready a little before 6
4:04 Can we have dinner before we go? I’m starving
4:05 Sure. Quick scan from memory of fridge turns up nothing but orphaned vegetable scraps.
5:15 Leave office, swing by Stop ‘n Shop, pick up rotisserie chicken.
5:30 Home. Simmer and shock asparagus; chop up chicken, onions, cucumbers, asparagus.
5:40 Make dressing. Toss everything together. Eat.
5:50 Leave for movie.
6:15 Popcorn and previews.
9:00 Home.

Chopped Chicken Salad with Vegetables

1 rotisserie chicken, chopped into bite-size pieces
2 mini cucumbers, chopped into bite-size pieces
1 bunch asparagus (skinny), cooked at a low boil for 2-3 minutes, then shocked in an ice bath to stop cooking; chopped into bite-size pieces
2 tablespoons red onion, minced finely (could also use shallots or scallions)
1 tablespoon sesame seeds (or more to taste)
handful cilantro, chopped (I didn’t have on hand, but would add it next time)

2 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar (would’ve used rice vinegar if I had it)
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
small squeeze of Sriracha
2 teaspoons mayo
1 teaspoon brown sugar
generous squeeze of fresh lime
1/3 cup grapeseed oil (or olive oil if that’s all you got)

Add all salad ingredients to bowl. Whisk together all dressing ingredients then drizzle over salad to taste. Toss.

Related: Top Ten Ways to Use a Rotisserie Chicken

More Anatomy of a Weeknights








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haha. I liked it a lot — didn’t LOVE it. I did, however, love Dunkirk, which I saw last night. Not that you asked.


I wanted to love it more too, but I felt maybe they kept the humor dialed down because it was a true story? I think Ray Ramano was also the best part of the movie! Love this dinner idea, avocado would be a nice addition. Had your pizza tonight.


Love it. Have you tried the chicken and asparagus grain bowl at the food hall in Grand Central? It’s addictive. This recipe reminded me of it – minus the grains, of course.


No I have not! I’m so obsessed with the toasts at Open Rye that I have STILL NOT MADE IT TEN FEET OVER TO the grain bowls. I will soon, though and when I do, I will look for this asparagus one. Thanks for the rec.


Not in the New York area but those sound glorious- can you share some topping ideas this could be awesome for work lunches 🙂


First – This sounds Ah MAZING! So easy and so yummy!
Second – I am dreaming of a day when my kids can go to a movie that isn’t animated – the whole night sounds great!


Once again, DALS saves dinner! Our planned grill night, last night, at the pool club was cancelled last minute due to thunderstorms. About to leave for a week’s vacation with (purposefully) very little in the fridge, I frantically tried to think of some inspired, quick dinner on the (wet) drive home….when suddenly I remembered this post! Quick stop at the store on the way home for chicken and asparagus and we had a winner! Thank you Jenny! It was delicious. So much so, I found my husband gleefully digging into the leftovers for breakfast this morning!


I wanted to love it more too, but I felt maybe they kept the humor dialed down because it was a true story? I think Ray Ramano was also the best part of the movie! Love this dinner idea, avocado would be a nice addition. Had your pizza tonight.


This dish just saved me from a disaster tonight! I ended up working late and forgot to take chicken out of the freezer this morning for dinner. So quick and simple! I also learned that the only way I like asparagus is if it’s crunchy!
