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Gretchen SB

Every time I read your description of the ritual of family dinner and craving more time with kids/family, I get a little teary-eyed. Glad to know I’m not alone in thinking time at the dinner table is special. Can’t wait to get my hands on the book!


cannot wait for this book! June will not come fast enough, great big fan of your blog and Time for Dinner, keep up the fantastic work!!

Julia Drake

I love your message and couldn’t agree with it more! Family dinners have always been a treasured part of my life and I thank you for your soon-to-be-released book because I know it will help me continue the tradition! Best of luck!


Our boys have been going to bed so early now that we’ve had a meal or two alone, but never have had such a lovely seitntg as yours . Now go finish that wine!


Kale, Sausage & White Bean Stew! It’s the best cold weather, eating something from the garden recipe I’ve made several times.

Jess The Mess

MY BOOK CAME TODAY, I’m soooo excited to read your cookbook, this is my first time commenting and I like your blog, but I cannot wait to sit in bed with post it notes and pick out all the recipes I want to try first!


I finished reading your cookbook cover to cover, last night. I absolutely love your voice and and your recipes. My husband and I cook in very much the same way, drawing inspiration from a lone vegetable in the produce drawer and working from there. I am gradually inching the kids meal towards our grown-up meal but being a secret non-meat eater (can you believe that at ages 10, 8 and 7 my kids still don’t know I am a pescatarian? I hate that term.) who loves spice, makes that slightly more challenging. But on that topic of “meal merging” I have to say that I think your Venn diagram is wrong. I’m no math whiz and could be confused, but take another look. And as far as favorite recipes, thus far (I plan on cooking them all), I made the quinoa with sauteed onions, spinach and a fried egg the other night and loved it’s brilliant simplicity and appropriateness for a 9:30pm dinner (after a late swim team event). My usual go to in that situation is eggs poached in a paprika-laced tomato sauce, sprinkled with feta and parsley and served with flatbread or pita. The quinoa was a great alternative. As a devotee of your website I’ve made many of your other recipes (spicy shrimp with yogurt, another fave) and you’ve never steered me wrong.
The book was well-worth the anticipation. Thank you. And as several other readers have requested, come down to the DC/MD/VA area. You seem to have a strong following here–just don’t head down in August!
PS: You’ve inspired me to get back to blogging. It’s been awhile but I have an inkling that DALS will be mentioned in my next post. I have not entered the photography or design realm yet, but our musings are very much in line. So check me out on and as you will notice, I am a fellow Conde Nast alum.

marsha gibbons

I am so in love with your book. I”m on page 232 reading it like a novel. So far I’ve made your dad’s chicken cutlets and porcupine meatballs. Ohm also been chopping up my salad ingredients and used your vinaigrette. It all been so very good. Being a complete craft nerd, I want a drawer full of the potholder pictured at the front of the book. I guess I’m going to have to buy a little loom thingy and get to work. Thank you!


I received the book for my birthday after I discovered I was #322 on the wait list at the library (322!! can you believe it!!) I’ve, so far, read through the first two stages and have a whole week meal plan full of DALS meals. We made the porcupine meatballs tonight and adored them. The house smelled incredible. Thanks 🙂


I love your book.Made almost all the recepies and all of them turned up excellent.Just yesterday I made the first time pizza from scratch and was delicious.I” m full time working mom with husband who works almost 80 hours a week.We live in Vancouver Canada .
I also visit you blog regularly and love it.
Thank you.


I stumbled upon your website somehow, and just spent the last 20 minutes looking and reading! I can’t wait to check out the cookbook as well. I also believe that dinner should always be a love story. 🙂 Congrats on the book–what a unique backstory!


I enjoyed your blog, “Dinner, A Love Story.” I, too, struggle with a husband who never has an idea for dinner that is compatible with mine. I also can relate to the frustration of hours spent on holiday dinners only to have men want to fill up their plates and find a seat in front of the TV. Dinner should be more, an event for the family, with both preparation and eating to offer more quality family time. Your dinner journal is a great idea, and I’m looking forward to your book.


I recently stumbled upon on your blog and I was smitten. I ordered your book and I have now moved from smittten to enamored. The content of your book is thoughtful and entertaining. The recipes are keepers.

However on equal footing with the content is the design. Thank you for having a lovely cover and no book jacket. It makes my heart happy. No bothersome rips to fret over. If there is a splash or a spill it wipes off.

Also the cover matches the content. Something that seems like it would be easily achieved but many cookbooks miss the mark .


Just discovered your site and the book a month ago. It has become one of my favorite! And the book is part of my collection now… Keep up the good work!

