My Book: Cover Reveal!

When I first sat down with my book editor Lee Boudreaux and the designer Allison Saltzman, they asked me what I wanted in a cover design. Oh, you know, I told them, I don’t want it to look cheffy or foodie. I don’t want it to look too precious or too slick. I’d like it to be homey but not dowdy, familiar to old readers but striking for new ones. I want it to appeal to recent grads and newlyweds and especially to parents. I want it to reflect the vibe of this blog. I want it to have good energy and I really want it to feel personal, like it looks right at home on my kitchen counter. I’m not Sean Brock or Gabrielle Hamilton. No matter how many times I make his brussels sprouts, I will never be David Chang. I’m a home cook who has figured out one thing — that making dinner for people I love brings me daily happiness  — and I need this book to appeal to people who suspect that carving out a nightly dinner ritual might do the same for them.

Was that too much to ask for?

Apparently not, because I think they nailed it, don’t you?

To pre-order, please visit Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Indie Bound.

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I love your blog..don’t always comment but check in daily. But this! I had to comment. It is everything you said you wanted and more…I love it! And cannot wait to get my hands on it.


This is amazing. And YOU, your family and your blog are amazing! Thank you. You inspired me to start a blog; you inspired me to keep my weekly menus; you inspired me to appreciate even more my love for making food for others.


LOVE. It’s so hard to achieve all those things in one cover, and they totally nailed it. I am new to your blog and a little kookoo about it.


LOVE. It’s hard to achieve that look and you/they totally nailed it.
p.s. I am pretty new to your blog and totally kookoo about it.


That was a tall order you gave them…not easy to nail. But they did it! How many comps did you go through? First crack? Fifth? I’m curious.


Nailed it on the head! I love it. How amazing it must be to see your name on a book – so proud of you and this blog!!!! Love the linens chosen for the cover too. As someone who loves to sew, that is always a draw for me. Cool linens!


It’s so DALS! So perfect. Can’t wait to open it and see what’s inside. Kudos to the designers!!


I almost feel a little cheesy saying it but I got tears in my eyes in seeing it. It is exactly what your blog represents to me. The family meal, the preparation and time you put into all of it are converted so simply and beautifully. Your blog is the only blog of the many I read, that I never miss a post and I’m always waiting for the next. Thank you for inspiring my family’s meals with your stories.


I. love. it. I have a beautiful vintage music stand book holder that is currently sitting empty on my dining room buffet. This is the perfect place for your book to be featured – I can’t wait!!!


so curious to know why the subtitle of your book is different than the cutline of your blog. what is the difference between “starts” and “begins”? Personally I prefer “begins” but perhaps there’s some good reason to change it?


As someone who just start reading your blog and bought your book (and read every single word in one night) I would say you hit a home run with this cover. Thank you for the great receipes and inspiration!
