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Baking and SweetsBirthdays, Holidays, Celebrations

Cute n’ Creepy Cupcakes

By October 28, 2019October 29th, 2019One Comment

Quick post today to make sure you saw this Clare Crespo post about clever ways to decorate Halloween cupcakes over on Cup of Jo. Thanks to Clare‘s advice a decade ago when we worked on some magazine stories together, I’ve kept every doll my daughters outgrew just for the purpose of making her “buried alive” creation and I can’t tell you how much it makes people laugh. Last Friday, I texted the girls, begging for them to give me an excuse to bake a batch — never a foregone conclusion when you have teenagers — and as luck would have it, both of them were attending gatherings and both of them agreed that it might be cute. Victory is sweet.

P.S. For more Clare, follow her on instagram.

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