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Baking and SweetsKitchenlightenmentPosts by Andy


By August 3, 2011October 2nd, 201324 Comments

Psssst. Don’t tell my bosses, but I was doing a little pleasure reading at my desk today. More specifically, I was reading an old piece from GQ* by the food writer Alan Richman. Here is a sentence from that story, which I was going to try to build a whole dessert post around, but then gave up when I realized there was nothing I could add that could possibly make it better, or more true:

Show me a man who believes his favorite desserts are those he has eaten as an adult, and I’ll show you a man who has had an unhappy childhood.

Mine is either the snickerdoodle or the s’more, too close to call. Jenny’s is Jell-O chocolate pudding pie, with real whipped cream and a graham cracker crust. Discuss.

*And, okay, I was reading this, too. How good?


  • Jan @ Family Bites says:

    So very true. My favourite dessert is a soft serve ice cream cone dipped in chocolate or butterscotch coating.

  • Avatar Appletree says:

    god I totally remember the Jell-o pudding pie that was awesome
    I’m making it tonight thanks for the memories

  • Avatar Kendra says:

    Love that line! I too have a Jell-o favorite from childhood: pretzel-Jell-o salad. Yes, that’s right, sweet AND savory all in one delicious congealed concoction.

  • Avatar Emilee Whitehurst says:

    I love that quote! S’mores have always been, and will always be my favorite!

  • Anna says:

    thanks for sharing the “a mother’s knishes” story. it reminded me of my grandmother. she died 11 years ago this month. whenever i meet people who knew her they always mention what a great cook she was.

  • Avatar Melissa@Julia's Bookbag says:

    My favorite desserts were ones I ate as an adult, what does that mean do you think? I ate a bread pudding once that was made with banana bread and studded with choc chips — it was incredible — and one time in England I had a plum tart with homemade blueberry ice cream (I think that’s the big winner!) I have a ranking that shifts around of top 5 Desserts I Have Eaten. I’ve been meaning to make your pudding pie ages for ages, I need to get on that!

  • Avatar Suburban Homestead says:

    Smores are my favorite by far. On a recent camping trip to Yosemite, I made the mistake of buying gourmet ingredients instead of the usual. Think WF bakery made graham crackers and marshmallows with some sort of fair-trade, organic chocolate. YUCK!!! Don’t mess with a good thing. Next time, I’ll reach for the Honey Maid…

  • Avatar Jen says:

    My favorite desserts are too numerous to list them all or pick a #1 favorite. I have always had a bit of a sweet tooth. I have always liked ice cream, soft serve cones with sprinkles or the hard chocolate “magic shell”, but a nice cake, yellow with chocolate frosting from the duncan hines type mix is a longtime favorite also. The supermarket treats were always good too – snickers were my favorite candy bars. But then again, Milky Way is also good. Can you see my dilemma? It’s a wonder I don’t weigh 400lbs.

  • Avatar Phaedra says:

    Nothing can top an original chocolate chip cookie. no muss no fuss- no nuts, no ‘double chocolate’ mess, just that buttery slightly toffee flavored deliciousness with bits of chocolate. It’s perfect. I loved it then. I love it now.

  • Avatar Nancy says:

    Although I adored anything chocolate as child, now I’d rather have a cheese plate than a sweet dessert.

  • Avatar Vicki says:

    I have to admit banana pudding pie made with nilla wafers….yum!

  • Caroline says:

    Mine were peach cobbler and banana pudding. Still favorites!

  • Avatar Joanne says:

    Alan Richman’s article was heart-breaking and amazing – thanks for bringing it to our attention.

  • Avatar Rachel says:

    One of the bonuses of being a mom – in addition to lovely kids etc. – is the many opportunities to make Rice Krispie treats. No silly additions, just the marshmallow, butter and Krispie combo. Want to be the coolest mom/dad on soccer snack duty? Bring a box of these beauties.

  • andy says:

    Rachel — I am embarrassed and ashamed to have forgotten the Rice Krispy treat. Wow, huge oversight. The perfect dessert.

  • Avatar Deirdre says:

    Thank you for helping me surrender to the fact that no homemade goodie is ever going to beat a hot fudge sundae to my husband.

    May I ask, what happened to the subject sidebar? I liked coming here and clicking “chicken” or whatever we have and finding a recipe that way.

  • jenny jenny says:

    Deirdre – That is bizarre. Nothing happened to the categories! They should still be there, right underneath the “search” box.

  • Avatar Deirdre says:

    I just tried again using Google Chrome and it was there, so it must be a problem on my end. You’d think I’d know the Greek yogurt chicken marinade by heart by now!

  • Avatar Jan says:

    Mine is old fashioned chocolate pudding with whipped cream on top. Heaven!

  • Avatar 654carroll says:

    Cherry popsicle, the kind you had to snap in two by pressing its indentation against the edge of the kitchen counter. (Do they only ever sell them singly now?) Also, to further the childhood/dessert point: i almost always eat dessert with a baby spoon/demi tasse spoon.

  • Avatar Lisa S says:

    Peach cobbler and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. But the thing I looked forward to every week was eating a piece of cake, made from a box mix, for dessert after our Sunday meal.

  • Avatar Lee says:

    My grandmother’s apple pie. Or Heavenly Hash ice cream, which has the far superior marshmallow swirl through it; never, not ever ever, Rocky Road with its horrible sticky lumps of actual minimarshmallows, bleaugh.

  • Avatar DeeDee V. says:

    A scoop of ice cream with a handful of m&m’s on top.

    s’mores are a veryclose second, though. With pb cups replacing the chocolate square – my gran was the 1st person I ever saw do it that way. Mmmm – I think bbq s’mores are in my near future!

  • Torrie @ a place to share... says:

    I’m so happy to be back (an extended vacation) and to catch up on your posts.

    Love this… Me? Strawberry Shortcake, no doubt :).

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