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And Now for the Exciting News: A Free Book!

By April 24, 2012October 2nd, 201315 Comments

And by free we mean, um, sort of free. Here’s the deal: We like dinner. We also like books. And while Jenny’s upcoming book, on its every (“masterful,” says her husband) page, honors the meals we’ve made together for the past fifteen years, there is not a single word in it devoted to books — our love for them, or they way they inform our daily lives. What better way to fix that than to produce another book, devoted solely to the things we read and write about so frequently on this site. In some ways, we’ve spent the past two weeks months years pulling this project together*, and it was only a matter of time. We finally decided to turn it into a proper book of its own because we realized not long ago that (a) we’d already written more than 20,000 words’ worth of reviews since DALS was born, and (b) a big list of great, enduring books (for kids ages 0 to 10) might be something parents — as well as aunts, uncles, friends of pregnant people, husbands looking for point-scoring Mother’s Day presents, and good readers everywhere — could really use.

And now, for the fine print: If you pre-order Dinner: A Love Story, we’ll send you our new book of kid books FOR FREE. It only exists for now as a pdf, which means it’s easily forwarded and shared and copied, but we know you guys are decent, upstanding people and we trust you so deeply and know you would never send this around, all indiscriminately, since we spent so much time and effort putting it together FOR FREE.  If you want one, all you have to do is email, tell us you ordered a copy of Dinner: A Love Story, and we’ll send you all 25 pages of our book, in beautiful color, FOR FREE. Jenny’s whizbangy technical consultant has figured out a way to prompt every fifth email with a one-step request for proof of purchase. And yes, we know this means there’s an 80% chance you can lie and get this book without pre-ordering, but, well…see above re: decent, upstanding people.

One last thing: This offer is only good through Thursday, April 26 at midnight. So let’s do this thing. — Andy

*A huge, huge thank you to the supremely talented Chelsea Cardinal — magazine genius, illustrator, book cover designer, clothing designer (for real), seriously solid person — who turned our pile of disjointed text into something that makes us so happy to look at. We are convinced Chelsea will be famous one day, and we are grateful to have worked with her. 

UPDATE: This offer has now expired. Thank you to everyone for the nice response and the even nicer notes that came along with the pre-orders. There’s a chance the offer might resurface on Facebook in the next few weeks, so if you missed it, be sure to follow DALS there.


  • Avatar Cecilia says:

    You guys are geniuses…but you must know that already. Amazing promotion!

  • Avatar Mary says:

    I’m reading through this book right now, and I have tears in my eyes. What a beautiful, beautiful resource for anyone with kids in his or her life or who just loves good books. Thank you.

  • Avatar Brittany says:

    Stellar. Can’t wait to read it.

  • Avatar Sarah says:

    Geez I don’t even have kids yet and that intro made me tear up 🙂

    Thank you guys.

  • jenny jenny says:

    Wow, you guys — what a showing so far! We hadn’t even expected the nice personal notes you’ve attached to your requests. A big heartfelt thank you.

  • Avatar Caitlin says:

    I just cried my way through that introduction. Tried to download at work but my pdf reader wasn’t working, was worth the wait to be home reading now. I don’t have kids yet, but (and I think I’ve written this exact comment many times before) your book posts bring such wonderful memories of my own book reading bedtimes and excitement to share it all with my future children. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is a wonderful gift to share with us.

  • Avatar Liz says:

    Hi, Jenny! What if we’ve already preordered said fabulous book? Can I still qualify? Thank you for all you do! (and Andy and the kiddos!) Also loved your piece this month in Everyday Food.

  • Avatar Lara says:

    Just preordered the book. Can’t wait to get it! Have had my eye on it for weeks. 🙂

  • Avatar Marcie says:

    Jenny, this is double-y awesome! Just ordered several copies and cannot wait ’till June!

  • Avatar Susan says:

    Your book is great. So helpful to have a compilation of all your posts and recommendations. Thanks!

  • Avatar Noellen says:

    ok, so for those of us dummies that just read this post, when is this book going to be for sale? 🙂

  • Avatar Stacey says:

    I missed the promo – can I buy both books?

  • Jenny Jenny says:

    Stacey and Noellen – There’s a chance “121 Books” might resurface on facebook in the next month or two, so make sure you are following DALS there. Thanks!

  • Avatar beth lehman says:

    will you be selling the book on books??? i love your blog for the book reviews!!! seriously!!

  • Avatar Dale says:

    I just stumbled upon your blog. read through gobs and gobs of wonderful stuff and then fell into a deep depression when i realized i missed the deadline (didn’t even know there was a give-a-way) until today!

    I even have proof of pre-order from Amazon!


    anyway, hope to be a loyal reader henceforth!


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