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Friday Reading & Eating

By August 31, 2018September 7th, 20185 Comments

What I’m reading and eating this week:

Wanna save Democracy? Read a novel.

My kind of dinner: Crispy Rice with Shrimp, Bacon, and Corn.

The Unbearable Sameness of Cities.

Did you know that everyone has a cheese that matches their personality?

Read of the week: The Education of Bill Oliver. This is amazing.

Is anyone else addicted to Weelicious’s Smoothie Project?

After my vacation in Italy, I think I need Jamie’s latest.

How sharing a Hawaiian pizza in Beijing became a treasured family tradition.

Like everyone else it seems, I went down a serious Serena Williams rabbit hole this week, which led me to this amazing video of her and Venus at ages 7 and 8.

On the dinner line-up this week: Big Fat Greek Tacos which my friend Robin said were a huge hit in her house.

And for dessert: Raspberry Ricotta Cake.

Surviving and thriving in middle school hell? Three new novels say it’s possible.

I can’t stop thinking about this tweet.

Archive Dive! A few ideas for Labor Day eats: Chicken or Turkey Yakotori; Grilled Shrimp Tacos with Avocado “Butter”; Summer Salad inspiration; Grilled Short Ribs with Scallions; Vietnamese Tofu SaladChocolate Chess Pie; Classic Blueberry Crisp.

Enjoy the long weekend everyone!

Photo: A custom-popsicle shop in Taormina, Sicily. My Italy round-up is coming soon, I promise. (It’s a lot.)



  • Avatar CLou says:

    Thank you for the article, Read a Book, Save Democracy. I shared the link with family and friends who are all super readers. I’m thankful for a family who nurtured a love of books – even if my teen years were a rocky hell.

  • Avatar Anya says:

    The Jamie Oliver cookbook looks amazing, but you said it’s his latest and yet the publication date is 2006. Was the link supposed to be for another book? Always happy to get more ideas. 🙂 In the meantime, I’ll be looking at this one when I go to the bookshop. Thanks!!!

  • Avatar Jodie says:

    I really enjoyed the article about the 2nd generation American and her Chinese grandmother eating pizza. As a child of immigrants myself raised VERY Canadian it gives me perspective. National Geographic put out a similar article this month about Indo/South Asian Americans.


  • Avatar Jeannine says:

    Buying that lovely book of poems, The Second O of Sorrow, by Sean Thomas Doughterty now. Thank you for pointing us to it. 🙂 I’ve been watching the funeral of John McCain (I rarely watch any news coverage, but it seemed inappropriate NOT to collectively watch) and have been feeling melancholy and reflective since. This poetry collection will fit nicely into my mood. I cherish the poetry of Mary Oliver as well. Enjoy the day.

  • Avatar Sally says:

    I can’t remember how I found the raspberry ricotta recipe from BA, but it is AMAZING and so easy. My kids and their friends fought over the leftovers!

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