Friday Round-up

This week’s Consumption Report:

Truth: A roll of cellophane and a batch of paper loaf pans make even the most humble of baked gifts feel legit.  (Shown above, two loaves of never-fail banana bread made for weekend hosts; labels by Abby.)

We’ll be first in line for this one come summer 2015.

Simple Rules for Healthy Eating (Can you guess which one is my favorite?)

Attention all New Yorkers and restaurant types: We’re putting this place on the to-do list stat! (I’ll take a cafecito and one of those chorizo, scrambled eggs, and salsa verde sandwiches, please.)

A Palo Alto psychiatrist addresses the rash of teen suicides in Silicon Valley.

A merge made in heaven.

Speaking of coffee, no matter where I travel these days and no matter what coffee shop I’m in, I seem to be drinking out of these pretty mugs.

The Bread Board Dinner trick.

After three serious concussions, an 11-year-old superstar (and his family) face a tough decision about a sport he lives and breathes.

Such a cute idea for a birthday party.

Let’s get this party started, Christina Tosi!

Seven Solid Podcasts for those feeling the Serial void.

Conquering Your Fear of Cooking Fish

This YA novel is supposed to be hilarious.

Those of you on instagram, follow #sarahbeforeseven for dinner ideas and @chefjacqueslamerde for laughs.

When David Chang calls someone “The Best Chef on Earth,” it’s probably a good idea to pay attention.

How to make the perfect omelet.

Mother’s Day Gift Alert! (I’ll take mine in yellow, thanks.)

Enjoy the weekend.

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As a psychologist and professor, I have been so concerned about the suicides in Palo Alto. THANK YOU for posting this column – it was so, so wonderful, and filled with parenting and life advice. Thank you!


We do the bread board idea just about every Friday when dinner prep fatigue sets in. Only ours usually involves a big pot of stove popped popcorn in lieu of crackers or bread. Great way to clean out the fridge of random fruit and veg before shopping for the week.


jenny, thanks so much for the bday party shout-out. plus i’m so excited for your banana bread recipe! xo


I really love the articles on simple rules for healthy living and the perspective on the PA suicides (my favorite line — “it’s better to be a koala dad than a tiger mom.”) 🙂 Thank you for sharing!


After even one brain injury, how can quitting sports be a tough decision?? Our society’s obsession with sports is incredible–and too often, incredibly misguided.


Nice, simple banana bread recipe! I used spelt flour, added ground flax, and used yogurt instead of sour cream and it still turned out perfect. Much simpler than my usual recipe, which I’d abandoned.


Thanks for the shout out to Christina Tosi. She’s a cousin and my kids think her recipes are completely weird and totally awesome!
