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Friday Round-up

By July 31, 201511 Comments

What we’re reading and eating this week:

“I quit smoking and I quit drinking…all I have to look forward to is dinner.” David Sedaris on the (sometimes pants-less) family meal.

Why Family Dinner? A Review!

Mint, basil, cilantro, pork: This summery main is so up my alley.

Another entry in the “Are We Pushing Our Kids Too Hard?” category.

Why use pasta bowls when you can use hollowed out peppers?

Food Blog Mad Libs: Do you recognize yourself in here? I hope not! (via Sheri)

Last week, I partnered with Ikea on a campaign you’ll be hearing more about this fall, but in the meantime, please join me as I obsess over their new cork-topped glass pitcher.

Which would be just the right vessel to contain my beloved Grady’s cold-brew.

Just picked up this summer read, that my book reviewer friend called “gorgeous.”

We can’t watch the Pixar short “Lava” yet — but we can at least listen to the song. (We can, in fact, listen to it seven thousand times a day.)

When Andy’s not listening to this.

The Book with No Pictures is officially my go-to gift for every kid under five.

If you can find this brand of tagliatelle, do yourself a favor and treat yourself to it, specifically in this dish that I seem to be making for every summer occasion. (Someone gave me a package for a gift and now I’m addicted.)

Psyched to be part of Food52’s new lifestyle panel, #the52. Check it out when you get a chance.

All the talk about the David Foster Wallace biopic made me pull up “This is Water,” that famous commencement speech he gave at Kenyon in 2005. If you read one thing this week, make it that.

Have a great weekend!


P.S. I’ll be traveling for a few weeks starting August 1, so will most likely take a break from posting. I reserve the right to change my mind, but if not, see you in a few! xx


  • Avatar Susan says:

    I, like Andy, am a big fan of Jason Isbell. Andy might enjoy this, if he hasn’t heard it.

  • Avatar Kim says:

    Absolutely yes to the glass pitchers! Just got the IKEA catalog in the mail last night and decided I needed at least two of these. Love them for every day use and for entertaining.

  • Avatar Carrie says:

    I’ve had “This is Water” waiting in my tabs and just read it – had to come back to comment. Beautiful, powerful, moving read. Thank you – I want to pin it all to the front of my brain.

  • Avatar Awads says:

    How come you can’t see Lava yet? It’s playing before “Inside Out”. I have my eye on a number of Ikea pitchers and bottles. It’s time to pre-mix cocktails in batches because I am getting very lazy this summer.

    • Jenny Jenny says:

      I guess I should’ve qualified that — until we can see Lava “whenever we want…” Yes, have already seen Inside Out twice in the theater, so have seen Lava twice as well! -Jenny

  • Candina says:

    Okay, I can’t get past the fact that you just picked up a summer read. School starts back here on Thursday. Summer’s pretty much over for us.

  • Avatar Ana says:

    Those lights look absolutely adorable!

  • Avatar Pedro says:

    Lava? Well, I can help you there:

  • Marcy says:

    So in one of these round ups, I’m not even going to try to find the correct one, you recommended Denton Little’s Death Day. I have to say thanks! It was fabulous! I loved that it was YA and anti-government-ish without the violence and apocalyptic-ness of Hunger Games, et al. I’ve already gotten my husband and one of my best friends to read it. Everyone’s mad because we have to wait until next year for the sequel!

    • Avatar Clarissa says:

      I bought it, too, based on your recommendation, Jenny. While I have not read it yet, my 15 year old son has, and he thought it was fantastic.

  • Avatar Mary says:

    Jason Isbell! On permanent rotation at my house and in my car and on my phone at the moment. Loooooove him!

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