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Friday Round-up

By December 4, 2015January 26th, 20168 Comments

What we’re reading and eating this week:

How Ample Hills, a true mom-and-pop ice cream shop, landed an endorsement deal with freaking Star Wars! (Not to mix movie metaphors but…If You Build it They Will Come)

Baked potato latkes or shredded potato latkes? I don’t need a whole lot of convincing one way or the other.

At one point last week, Phoebe, Abby, and I were fighting over who got to read our single copy of this YA National Book Award Winner.

{I inevitably lost, so in between chapters, I read Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel, Fun Home, and I now understand why she got a Genius Grant. PS: Not for kids.}

Read of the week: Mothering My Dying Friend. Catherine Newman, man, what a writer. What a friend.

The secret to a killer mug of hot chocolate.

What chefs pack their kids for lunch

Holiday Cards: CHECK!!!

PS: Watch those apostrophes, holiday-card makers! (I laughed so hard.)

As long as we’re on the subject of basic writing skills. (Elmore Leonard would most certainly agree.)

Scone Scrap Cake

I’m addicted to Humans of New York like everyone else I know (including my almost 14-year-old daughter), so I read this backstory with great interest. (And how true is the first sentence?)

{And just because: This woman.}

Has “make family photo album” been on your to-do list for, like, eight years? Maybe it’s time to outsource to these guys who do everything for you, and do it beautifully I might add. BONUS: DALS readers get $50 off first album. Use code DINNER at check out. (Offer expires January 15, 2016).

Happy Weekend.


  • Raising The Capable Student says:

    Those kids lunches look beautiful, but aspirational for me.

  • Avatar Leah says:

    Oh man, that Catherine Newman essay. Amazing, heartrending, incredible. Thank you for making sure I didn’t miss it.

  • Avatar Jenna Helwig says:

    Great list Jenny! I LOVE both Star Wars and Ample Hills so this is, basically, a dream. I also clicked on the link to the YA book and saw that Amazon includes it in its “Teen & Young Adult Physical & Emotional Abuse Fiction” category. Yikes!! That’s a category? We’re just getting into YA at my house; I guess I have a lot to learn!

  • Avatar Gwen says:

    Oh, Catherine Newman. She never fails to break my heart, and make me love her for it. Thanks for pointing that one out to me.

  • Avatar Stacey says:

    I really liked the photo memory game on Pinhole Express. It would be perfect for my mother with Alzheimer’s. I am thinking of taking photographs of her grandchildren holding signs with their names. What an awesome gift idea!

  • Avatar Angela says:

    Love your round ups…as always
    Love the link on the photo book company – genius business model
    I have a gazillion photo books I want to make
    Thx for sharing and a savings deal too!

  • Avatar Trang Do says:

    Great round up! Really like it very much!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  • Avatar Stephanie says:

    The Holiday Card Apostrophe Apocalypse! I thought I was the only grinch who physically cringed at those possessive families. Thank you for assuring me that I’m not the only one. Too funny.

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