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DinnerKitchenlightenmentPicky Eating

How We Learn to Eat

By December 7, 20153 Comments

“The theme I revisit more than any other is families. Most of what we learn about food happens when we are children – when we’re sitting at the kitchen table (if your family is lucky enough to have one), being fed. Every bite is a memory, and the most powerful memories are the first ones. At this table, we are given both food and love, and we could be forgiven if, later in life, we have trouble distinguishing the two.”

– From First Bite: How We Learn to Eat, by Bee Wilson. Head over to the New York Times to read my full review.


  • Avatar Raising The Capable Student says:

    When my sons tell me stories about college and new friends, the ones that make me the most happy are the ones that end up with them all going to eat together. Eating together is an intimate act, and I think a sign of growing and deep friendships.

  • Avatar Emily says:

    I just read another review for this book in the WSJ! Your review certainly makes me want to check it out for myself! Sounds like such a fascinating read, especially since we’re all learning how my littler niece is approaching food. I feel so fortunate to have grown up in a family where food was celebrated, where my parents exposed us to all different types of food, and where we learned to linger, to converse, to share. One’s relationship with food can be complex, but I agree that the body knows best. It is just a matter of learning to listen to it.

  • Avatar Trang Do says:

    Great post!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

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