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Friday Round-up

By November 1, 201313 Comments

These 30-minute fish sticks are going on next week’s dinner line-up. Only dilemma to be reconciled: Yogurt-Dill or Pickle Juice dipping sauce?

I may be biased, but the guy interviewed for this week’s Longform podcast sounded particularly smart and handsome.

If someone had handed me  GO: A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design when I was 10 years old, I can’t help but think my life would’ve gone in a different direction. It’s written and designed by the legendary Chip Kidd and it has the power to make a kid (and a grown-up) see the world with completely new eyes. (For starters, you will never look at a FedEx truck the same way again. Who out there knows what I’m referring to??) Too many gem-like moments to touch on here, but how about this sentence: “You should definitely recognize the alphabet as a miraculous thing, and not take it for granted.”

Perfect Pasta for a Crowd from Catherine Newman.

Writers: Here’s this month’s must-read.

Did you read Unbroken? Or Tears in the Darkness? Or any other WWII-related book by a writer with chops? Well, if so, you will probably love Wil S. Hylton’s Vanished, published next month, which tells the story of a special unit in the military charged with recovering lost bodies of American soldiers from various wars — and the WWII pilot they return to his family, 70 years later.

Print this out and take some time with it: David Sedaris on his sister’s suicide.

Is family dinner one of the hidden costs of suburban commuting? (Doesn’t have to be, says one commuting, suburban family dinner blogger.)

RIP Lou.

Astute readers will remember a plug for Cricket Magazines a year or two ago, but as my daughters have graduated from Ladybug and Click to the more science- and literary-minded Ask, Muse, and Odyssey — and as I watch my 11-year-old literally sprint to the mail-slot when she sees that her magazines have been delivered — I feel the need to endorse the whole publishing operation again. Cricket has a magazine for any kid of any age with any interest — and a one-year subscription makes a supercool birthday gift.

If I was getting married again, I’d register for this.

If I was feeding toddlers again, I’d hit up John Derian for these.

Attention Philadelphia Metr0 Types: My cousin started an interior design company. Check out her just-launched website…then call her for a consultation!

I know, love, and trust half the staff who put together this special holiday issue. Look for it on the newsstand today!

Speaking of which, now that Halloween is over, we can get down to the business of my favorite holiday on earth: Thanksgiving. Starting next week, look for a “Countdown to Thanksgiving Series” on DALS — everything from sides to pies to a genius trick for staying organized from my very own Thanksgiving matriarch, aka my mom.

Have a great weekend.

Photo credit: Hirsheimer/Hamilton for Bon Appetit.


  • Avatar Melissa says:

    Thanks for the shout-out! : )

  • Avatar Melissa@Julia's Bookbag says:

    Loved every single link! Thank you and Happy November! Also, recently had the TJ’s masala veggie burgers. AMAZING.

  • Avatar Fiona says:

    FedEx – look for the arrow! You really can’t see it any other way once you know
    I also always appreciate that Amazon has everything from A to Z.

  • Avatar sengler says:

    The staff that put together that holiday issue loves you, too! Thanks for sharing. xx

  • Avatar dispack says:

    Hi Jenny:
    new reader here – question: Do you keep olive oil in the ref rig? I checked your book out at the Library and am carrying it with me everywhere, reading and smiling! Thanks.

  • Jan @ Family Bites says:

    Great list – those fish sticks just might make my meal plan next week, too!

  • Avatar erinn johnson says:

    Chip Kidd is genius, I saw him speak years ago.
    And yes, I have know the fed-ex logo secret (not such a secret) for years.

  • Avatar Lani says:

    First time commenter, long time reader (books, too) and a fellow Amherstian. I really enjoy DALS. I also LOVED Cricket as a child and am so pleased it is still around.

  • Avatar Reynaul says:

    Great round up this week! I think those fish sticks will be on the menu next week as well! I will be on the look out for the holiday issue and looking forward to the Thanksgiving countdown!

  • Avatar Regine Frank says:

    Here are my 2-minute prep fish sticks (proportions as above):
    Cut fish into bite-sized pieces.
    Half-fill a soup bowl with instant Polenta, dregde fish.
    Heat oil in large, flat-bottomed frying pan, fry fish as above. Accompany and serve as above (rice, salad and tartar sauce are favourites over here – oh, and a glass of beer for Mama)

    If time is not an issue, you might want to mix the polenta with some smoked paprika.


  • Avatar Jorena says:

    Do you have any lemon centered sauce ideas for fish sticks? Both of these center around dill flavors and ever since an unfortunate food sickness event, I can no longer stomach dill.

  • A Life From Scratch says:

    Love that pasta dish – might use for company tomorrow. Happy weekend! XOXO

  • Carlinne @Cook with 2 Chicks says:

    Thanks for the recommendations. Last week a friend recommended the David Sedaris piece, and, as usual, Sedaris doesn’t disappoint.

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