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Along with the block I live on, my memory has been getting a little cobwebby lately. Can it possibly be that I’ve written this blog for three and a half years, aka four Halloweens, and not told you about my all-time favorite tricky treat? Every year I try and fail to come up with something as simple and clever as this graveyard cake, which I first learned about from the lovably loony Clare Crespo way back when I was a magazine editor. Clare used cupcakes, but you can pull it together with any basic storebought or homemade sheet cake (Rosa’s does the trick), a dozen and a half crushed chocolate wafers (or Oreo tops and bottoms), and chocolate sprinkles. (As you can see, this project favors the artless.) Then, for the limbs, if you live in a house like mine, all it takes is one scrounge around the bottom of the toy box to uncover a treasure trove of dismembered Barbies. Happy Halloween!


  • Jan @ Family Bites says:

    I love it – fabulously easy and certain to be a hit with the kids!

  • Christiane ~ Taking On Magazines says:

    Yeah, I’m with you on the dismembered Barbie thing. I have a few hanging out in the closet right now because they were taken away before they could be abused. I’m loving the cake, too. I think Dudette would find it enchanting (that’s just her kind of thing).

  • Avatar Jessie says:

    You have just provided not only my husband’s birthday cake, but the whole theme. How better to separate the division between Christmas and a Christmas Eve birthday than with a zombie cake/party. And since he gets a Walking Dead book every year I can’t believe I’ve never considered this. Brilliant blog entry. As always.

  • Avatar Ruthy @ Omeletta says:

    Freaking classic. So much cooler than the gummy worms and dirt cake combo I usually see!! I would die if this was brought to my house for a Halloween party.

  • Carlinne @Cook with 2 Chicks says:

    I am in the minority, I know, when I say I’m not fond of Halloween. I am happy when it’s behind us. But. This cake? I love it!

  • A Life From Scratch says:

    Looks very festive – unfortunately my home is a home without barbies, all boys over here. I’d just have to go up the road to my parents though – my mom still has all of ours (mine + my sisters)!

    Happy Halloween!

  • Avatar Jennifer says:

    I would LOVE to make this but I’m stopped by thoughts of all the candy that will soon be pouring in and wondering if I’d be going overboard to bake a chocolate cake to boot…???

  • Debbie says:

    I’m “dying” of laughter over here…this is awesome…thanks!!

  • Jane says:

    I heard there was a study done to determine why Barbies are so often dismembered. Something about their being so finished and perfect that there is nothing else left to do after a while except dismember them. Yikes!

  • Avatar Tara says:

    Perhaps the best ever and most suitable use for a Barbie.

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