Domestic AffairsPosts by Andy
Getting to Know You :) :)
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Sense Memories
February 8, 2012
Sense Memories
There’s a photo we have, in our album from 2002, that captures the exact moment…
Domestic AffairsVegetarian
I’ll Let You Handle That
February 13, 2014
I’ll Let You Handle That
Jenny called me at work a couple of weeks ago, on one of those gray…
Domestic Affairs
Reader Mail
October 7, 2011
Reader Mail
Love this note from longtime loyal reader "ingrid:" While I have still not improved to…
I have to agree with Andy. Zucchini and eggplant are gross. It’s a texture thing, as they have no flavor. And I am going to blame Jenny for my newfound (refound?) interest in gin and tonics, particularly Hendricks and tonic. I had forgotten about those.
Thank you for posting this – it made my day!
This is great! very funny!
These are amazing! Thanks for sharing! and P.S. day drinking is the BEST! Tell Andy to channel his inner college kid on “game day” and maybe he’ll remember. 🙂
I love you guys. 🙂
Ha! The knocking on wood thing made me laugh. Jenny, may I introduce you to the UK version, which is touching wood? Much quieter 🙂