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Happy Halloween!

By October 30, 2011October 2nd, 20136 Comments

Year of the Cyclops Pumpkin.


  • Avatar Melissa@Julia's Bookbag says:

    Oh these are so great! We’ve got a cat theme going on this year…Happy Halloween to you!

  • Courtney says:

    Those are awesome!! We made spider cookies over at our home to celebrate – chewy, crunchy, and perfectly full of sugar. My son loved positioning the ‘legs’!

  • Avatar Shannon (8foot6) says:


    We are going out for pumpkins and starting to carve, as soon as I get off the computer (soon -soon!)

  • Avatar meg says:

    Parenting lesson of October 2011…if you carve your pumpkin when you get it (3 weeks before Halloween), then by the time a week before Halloween actually rolls around it will be rotted and gross and attracting bugs galore to your front steps and you will be forced to throw your masterpiece out. Wait.

  • Avatar Kendra says:

    It’s Halloween day and I still haven’t carved my two pumpkins! Maybe I’ll make mine a cyclops pair.

  • Avatar Rosie says:

    Do I win the feast?

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