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Miss Jenny

By April 26, 2013July 27th, 201437 Comments

For as long as I can remember my mother has called me “Miss Jenny.” Not all the time and not necessarily in public, but often enough so that I don’t notice unless I really stop and think about it. As an endearing as the little nickname is, I’m convinced my mom started calling me that not to be cute, but because it was part of a bigger plan she had for me.

Right after college, Mom had a roommate named Jane. To the rest of the world, though, Jane was known as “Miss Janey” the host of Pittsburgh’s Romper Room show. She was a celebrity among preschoolers (I feel certain I might hear from a few of you on this one) as well as in the greater Western Pennsylvania region, and to my mom, who at the time had a desk job at U.S. Steel, no one was more glamorous. On top of being a TV star, Miss Janey was warm, witty, and beautiful. Full of life was the term she’d use.  “Oh Jenny,” my mom would say. “She was just like you.” And just like that I’d imagine myself as Miss Jenny the celebrity TV host.

Moms are smart that way.

There would be more plans. My mother would go out of her way at the Grand Union to point out Geraldine Ferraro on the cover of Newsweek, and tell my sister and me whenever the occasion presented itself: “You could be the first woman Justice of the Supreme Court if you wanted to be.” (Until 1981 at which point we learned we’d have to settle for Second.) My mother made sure to steer me in the direction of some wildcard careers, too, pointing out that I’d make a great eye surgeon because “Oh Jenny, you’re so good with your fingers,” and once even making me sit down to draw a cartoon for the New Yorker because “Oh Jenny, you can draw better than any of these guys.” A real estate lawyer whose idea of fun was (still is) pouring through a densely-typed annotated contract, she didn’t quite grasp that the creative industries could sometimes be a little more complicated than that.

Her relentless career-mapping didn’t stop just because I became a grown-up. If anything, it ramped up. When I was just starting out in magazines — I mean just starting out, like bottom-of-the-barrel starting out — she sent me an article in the New York Times that profiled the newly appointed glamorous editor-in-chief of a super high-end lifestyle magazine. (Back when there were such things.) This editor just had a baby and I remember reps from Prada and Calvin Klein falling all over themselves figuring out what to send the little boy for a gift. The editor was a Big Deal and her appointment was Big News. But according to my mom, whoever hired her for the job had made a mistake by not interviewing me, the girl who was in charge of editing the programming schedule for a cable TV guide.

“You would’ve been perfect for that job, Jenny. She reminded me of you. She sounds just like you.”

And then a few weeks ago, during a cold spell in February, Mom called to tell me that she had just watched someone on the Today show making macaroni and cheese — all in one pot apparently. “Oh you would’ve loved her. She was so natural and funny. I think maybe you should try to watch it. She was sweet. Just a doll. She was just like you.”

The seed she planted that time was probably not what she had hoped for. Instead of unleashing my inner Miss Jenny, I instead found myself obsessing over the idea of a one-pot baked macaroni and cheese. My nine-year-old loves Mac & Cheese but for whatever reason I find myself avoiding a homemade batch because of all the gear involved. I started experimenting, spending more time in the kitchen that I would ever admit to Sandra Day O’Connor (or my mother). I discovered that it was a great recipe for salvaging leftover heels of cheese (almost any combo of hard cheeses worked) and though I never quite pared it down to ONE pot, I streamlined it to the point where all the prep work could be done in the time it took for the pasta to cook. Which means I have that much more time to work on my New Yorker cartoons.

Please see Dinner: The Playbook for the Macaroni & Cheese recipe.


  • Avatar Jenny C says:

    Very similar to my mom’s mac & cheese, which was a fixture of my childhood. Just add some Worcestershire sauce, and it’ll be even better!

  • Avatar Trisha says:

    America’s Test Kitchen has an actual one pot mac & cheese recipe in their “The Best 30 Minute Meals” cookbook. The macaroni is cooked in a water/evaporated milk mixture, which boils off just enough to add the cheese and a little cornstarch. Doesn’t even dirty a colander, and it takes about 15 minutes. It could easily be slid under the broiler if you like, but I grew up eating creamy mac & cheese so it’s straight to the table for us.

  • Avatar Mary Moerlins says:

    Moms are the best. Mine was always certain I was cut out to be either a pediatrician or a news anchor. Go figure. I ended up working in nonprofits haha.

    I recently started making my mac n cheese in one pot. By cooking the noodles in milk, the starch from the noodles thickens up the milk to make the sauce, I just stir in cheese, s&p, a touch of butter and some garlic once the noodles are all creamy and cooked. It’s one of my back pocket tricks when everyone is whining for dinner. 20 minutes to the plate.

  • Avatar Zelda says:

    Ha ha, your mum sounds lovely! I made macaroni cheese for the first time recently, and I honestly don’t know why I waited all these years; it’s the perfect dish when there’s no time to shop, as most of the ingredients are pantry staples. When I’m a bit more organised, I like to add a leek, and some lardons to appease the meat lovers in my household.

  • Avatar Emily T says:

    I’m a Pittsburgh girl too – “I see Emily, and Jenny, and …!” Also watched Hatchie Malachie when we went to my grandmas in central PA.
    I make this Mac n cheese with crumbled ritz crackers on top. It is awesome. Thanks Jenny for keeping me energized and inspired!!

  • Avatar Molly G says:

    I cooked this dish last Friday night ’cause we were hungry for carbs as always, and my husband and I loved it! It was so easy and we ate on it the whole weekend! I added cheyenne for a kick and it needed more salt than I anticipated… a good note to myself for next time. Thanks for postng!

  • Avatar Juanita says:

    You are going to laugh, but my husband and I both grew up (separately) on a baked mac and cheese that involved mixing 1/2 pound cooked mac, 1/2 pound shredded cheddar, and a can of tomato soup–plus a chopped onion if you’re feeling daring-in a baking dish, then baking at 400 for a half hour. One pot and de-lish.

  • Patty Burns says:

    My son who only eats stovetop mac and cheese LOVED this recipe! Coming from the baked camp of mac & cheese I had to tell you how thrilled I am to have found this recipe.

  • Avatar hudsonhoneybee says:

    Miss Jenny, my husband made this for me for mother’s day and it was delicious (and an homage to when our son was still in utero, and all I wanted to eat was mac n’ cheese).
    By the way, my husband never cooked until discovering DALS. He feels the DALS recipes are accessible and foolproof so thank you, thank you, thank you. What else can I do to thank you besides buy your book, which I’ve already done?! Invite you over for dinner? (I live one town away from you, so I actually WOULD cook you dinner!!! I would make my husband cook your dinner to prove that DALS can make anyone a cook! Ha!)

  • Avatar Darcie says:

    Just wanna be clear before I hit the market– You used fresh bread crumbs PLUS crushed potato chips and not the panko, right?

  • Avatar Jessica says:

    Your mom sounds like my grandmother in the career department! As for the mac and cheese, we do it all in one pot in our house, and gluten free at that. I’ve got it down to such a science that my husband says I make it look as easy as the boxed stuff. Noodles (we use brown rice penne), and once they are cooked and strained, I add milk, a little cream cheese, a good handful of grated sharp cheddar, and then a dash of white pepper and garlic powder. I recently started adding a pinch of tumeric, because my little girl said it wasn’t yellow enough. I mix it all together until the cheese is melted, and that’s really it. almost the same steps as the boxed stuff, and all in one pot. 🙂

  • Avatar Mary Howleytt says:

    Really….you put a recipe on the index with the link to your book……I was enjoying going through your archives until that….

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