You’ve heard me mention Momfilter on DALS before, but now I want to officially mention it because as of last week, the site, a lifestyle resource for parents created by two Cookie mag founders Yolanda Edwards and Pilar Guzman, is officially live. I know, I know. There are a lot of websites out there for moms so, why, you ask, should you bookmark this one in particular? Because, as the name promises, you’ll be getting information and inspiration — on everything from food to fashion to books and beauty — that has gone through the Yolanda and Pilar filter. These are the friends who regularly steer me towards the best deals in fashion (for kids and moms); who tell me exactly where to stay and eat when I go to, say, Philadelphia with the kids; who upgraded my guacamole after a single dip (“You need waaaay more salt!”) and my jeans wardrobe after a single glance. (“You need the next size down.”) In other words, you can trust them to tell it to you straight. And you can trust that they’ll always deliver the good stuff. I’ll be chiming in from time to time, too, so please take a look and let them know what you think.
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I’ve been waiting and watching for this to launch – hooray! It’s a great site.
This is great news. I desperately need someone to tell me how to buy jeans!
This sounds great. I will have to check it out.
What a wonderful photo!
Really nice design on the site. Spare and clean. And intelligent content to boot. I like it!
Thanks for sharing!
I read your newsletter. Do I win the Inmod Teak Bowl?