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Twas the Week Before Christmas…

By December 21, 2010October 4th, 20114 Comments

…and neither you nor your spouse…can even think about getting dinner on the table. Especially if you are the one cooking the Big Dinner in a few short days for a few dozen guests. This easy pasta dish is a good fall-back plan for these kinds of nights, when all you want to do is pour a glass of milk over some Fruit Loops and call it a meal. It’s healthy, makes good use of last-legs grape tomatoes, and requires minimum hands-on time so you can go ahead and get something done — like wrap the karaoke machine or the Sambas or the new Amelia Rules book. Shhhhh!

Whole Wheat Pasta with Roast Tomatoes and Mascarpone

Toss two small containers grape tomatoes and 1/2 red onion (roughly chopped) in olive oil. Add salt and pepper. Spread on a rimmed cookie sheet and bake at 300°F for an hour or until tomatoes look shriveled and a little golden brown on top. (Watch them to make sure they don’t blacken.) During last 15 minutes of roasting, cook whole wheat penne according to package directions. After you drain penne, add olive oil and 1 clove garlic (minced) to the same pot and cook over low heat about a minute. Add pasta back to pot, then toss with tomatoes and onions. Serve with a dollop of mascarpone or ricotta and freshly grated Parmesan.


  • Avatar James says:

    MMmmmm… and now I’m hungry!

  • Avatar Jeaneane says:

    Tis was my first time to make a DALS recipe, even though I’ve been reading along for several weeks now. Made this last night and it was delicious. I am looking forward to trying more soon! My three year old son inhaled the pasta (tomatoes and onions too!). Its always nice to find a recipe that pleases all. Thank you for your wonderful blog and best to you and the fam in 2011.

  • Avatar Chris says:

    Made this for dinner with my bestie last week and it was a huge hit. Huge!

  • Avatar Elizabeth H. says:


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