Report Card Time

And Jenny evaluates Andy…

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Hahah! This is hysterical and you guys are funny!! Looks like all in all you’re both doing a pretty good job =)


That is as good as the “Lunch Contract”. Which is really saying something because I thought the “Lunch Contract” would NEVER be matched in the blogosphere!


Fun to read – but the cupboards being left open park kills me. My husband does the same thing and EVERY TIME I get the same creepy Sixth Sense flashback!


mek: You have no idea how glad i am that you wrote that. I had “Sixth Sense” reference in my first draft but then thought no one would remember that scene. It is SIXTH SENSE ALL THE TIME in the kitchen when he is cooking. Scary, right?

And for the record: I have never ordered a Death-By-Chocolate-Tini. Totally fabricated!

Thanks for notes everyone. Glad you like.


I’m new to DALS thanks to your new column in Bon Appetit — really been enjoying your stuff and have quickly come to respect your opinion in all family-dinner matters. (You mostly give me hope for the future, as I’m now in the weeds with a 4-year old and a 15-month old.)

The “demonstrates resolve … when faux-weepy child asks for hot dog instead of steak” entry made me crave more info. Can ya’ll do a post on your strategies for dealing with picky eaters and the desire to resist short order cookery? I think I’ve heard ’em all: the “thank you” bite, your “rule of three” — but I’m not sure what to do AFTER the food has been rejected and my mom instincts for feeding/providing are in high relief.


Hi – I just stumbled upon your site and I love it. Although I do not have children, but what you write about in regards to the family meal is something I feel very pasionatly about. I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how inspirational your blog is and that you have a new follower! X


LOVE this!! And so appreciate getting the “mom” vs “dad” perspectives– can totally relate.


This was hysterical, but OMG Jenny when you wrote that Andy leaves every cabinet door open i almost fell off my chair – my hubby is an amazing cook, but I fear I will lose an eye on one of the open cabinets at eye level! How hard is it to close a cabinet or pantry door??


I love this – and am encouraged to know another family applies Manhattans so successfully. You give me lots of hope for the day we go down the children route.


I lied: one more comment tonight. Both your reports card made me laugh out loud. Ahhhh…family life.
