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The Best Cookbooks Right Now

By May 29, 20159 Comments

Over the past few months I’ve been cooking more than usual thanks to an assignment I got back in January: Write about the best spring cookbooks for The Book Review. I got to expand my reach a little here — in addition to the quick-and-easy family dinner fare you’re used to seeing on these pages, I tried out vegan brownies and iced oatmeal cookies, spelt flour pizzettes, a famous barbecue sauce, a luscious chocolate loaf cake, a zillion dishes that made the most of spring peas and asparagus, and chicken recipes from every corner the world.

We ate well.

I’ll be sharing a few of my favorites over the next few posts, but in the meantime, I’m throwing you over to the New York Times for the full cookbook round-up. While you’re there, be sure to check out the Summer Reading issue. Hopefully you’ll pick up a few and have a little fun yourself.

PS Coming soon: News about my next book.

Illustration by Bendik Kaltenborn for The New York Times


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