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Baking and Sweets

The Summer of Self-Sufficiency

By July 16, 2012October 2nd, 201344 Comments

I know I’m susceptible to these kinds of stories, but there’s no getting around it: I’ve been haunted by a six-year-old for weeks now. Did you guys read the Elizabeth Kolbert article in The New Yorker last month — the one about how spoiled American children are, especially when we compare them to children in other cultures? I was only two paragraphs in before I was reading about a girl from a tribe in the Peruvian Amazon who tagged along on a leaf-gathering trip and pretty soon figured out a way to make herself useful to everyone…by fishing for crustaceans, then cleaning and cooking for everyone in the group. Did you hear me tell you that she is six years old?  By paragraph six, the one describing an American kid’s refusal to untie his own shoes, I had to take a few Lamaze breaths to calm myself down.

I’m exaggerating a little — but not by much. A few weeks ago, a mother-of-two at one of my readings asked me how much I let my kids help out in the kitchen. I answered the way I always do: “I let them make a salad or set the table. Occasionally they’ll make pancakes…but I need to be better about not hovering…It’s a problem I have in general.” Andy, who was sitting in the front row turned around and asked the questioner, “How deep do you want to go?”

If the mark of successful parenting is, as Michael Thompson wrote in his convincing manifesto about sending kids to sleepaway camp Homesick and Happy, “to raise our kids to not need us,” then sometimes I think we may be getting Fs. Well, in the kitchen at least. Soon after I read Kolbert and Thompson I realized that when I was my oldest daughter’s age (10), I was baking from box mixes on my own whenever I wanted to. I was cracking eggs and picking out the shards that inevitably resulted from my shoddy technique; I was scraping the “butter flavor packet” from the Duncan Hines box into the batter all by myself; I was operating an electric mixer and cleaning up the explosion of batter all over the counter; I was even reaching into a hot oven with nary a grown-up in sight.

So I stocked up on box mixes of muffins, breads, cookies and brownies, and issued a mandate to the girls. This is the Summer of Self-Sufficiency, I decreed. From here on out, you may bake any of these desserts whenever the spirit moves you. You are not required to ask my permission. I do not even need to be in the kitchen when you do it. The only rule was that they try to figure out everything on their own. Pretend I’m not here, I told them. Before you ask me where the measuring cups are, try to find them yourself. I trust you, I told them. And I convinced myself this was true.

Needless to say, they immediately embraced the challenge and Abby dived right in with a batch of Arrowhead Mills Bake-With-Me Brownies. I was working at the kitchen table doing my best to ignore her as she cracked her eggs, spilled the powdery batter all over the dog, pulled her little stool all around the kitchen to reach measuring cups and mixers and set timers. I wasn’t even looking when she reached into the 350° oven to pull out the pan of brownies and realized that only one of her hands was covered with an oven mitt.


Her shriek was Bugs Bunny with an unmistakable hint of fright. I filled a plastic bag with ice and gave it to her.

Guess what? She burned her finger. Just like I did the week before when I reached for the baking dish that I didn’t realize was still hot. Just like I’ve done a million times in my life beginning when I was a kid teaching myself how to bake. True, if I had been supervising, it wouldn’t have happened. But if this little experiment is doing what it’s supposed to be doing, my guess is that next time she reaches into an oven, she won’t make the mistake again.

The Mixes

So far they’ve tried Arrowhead Mills Brownie Mix, two from Dr. Oetker (apple cinnamon muffins which I’d give a B+ and their chocolate chip cookies, which was more like a C+), and the cornbread from Trader Joe’s (not my fave, sorry TJoe). I like the Arrowhead Mills Bake-With-Me line because they are designed for kids (as opposed to Dr. Oetker which instructed my 1o-year-old to “mix together butter and sugar” without going into any details about creaming. Hence the C+). Have you guys had good luck with baking mixes that are kid-friendly? Let me know so I can stock up.



  • Avatar Jennifer says:

    I read that article and then had my husband read it — we now say “machete!” whenever one of us is hovering too much with our six year old…. And I distinctly remember when my (working) mother turned over all lunch and sweet making to us when we complained at ages 7 and 9, and although I ate mustard sandwiches for a year, it did not kill me!

  • Avatar Sarah says:

    I just had a conversation with my 20-year old niece who confessed she can’t cook a thing. My girls (13 and 16) and I brainstormed a weekend cooking class to show her the basics and getting her going on a more healthy cooking life. I just blogged the list and am looking for comments about what every kids should leave home knowing how to cook.

    Happily my girls can cook just about everything on the list. I began them at an early age helping me and then wrote out recipes on special cards for them and they were off on their own making cookies and brownies from scratch. Now they can read just about any recipe and judge whether it will be any good.

    One year I made an apron and filled the pocket with cards for scrambled eggs, etc., it is still treasured.

    I am looking forward to reading your book. My girls and I may try to work our way through some of it this winter.

  • sdavis says:

    Great post!

    I consider the kitchen my domain, and letting my daughter (and now son) experiment with my two cents has been hard!! I have found success with middle ground…I’m within ear shot to jump and give advice but not on top of them chirping in their ear about the mess they are making.

    My daughter who turned 12 this month started with box mixes (fan of Duncan Hines Simple Mornings mixes because they don’t have artificail ingredients)….now she’s branched into scones, sauces, etc. She has found watching the Every Day Food videos ( very helpful because they provide the recipe and she can watch the dish being assembled.

    That’s my two cents 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  • Sara Brumfield says:

    My daughter loved the Martha Stewart Cooking School cookbook when she was about 4 — it’s great for a pre-reader (or for anyone learning how to cook) because it illustrates *every* step. Pictures are worth a thousand words, and all that.

  • Avatar Kendra says:

    I love this post. I’m a hoverer in general and know I’ll have trouble not doing so when I have kids. I even hover over Mike WHO IS A TRAINED CHEF when he’s in the kitchen. I mean, who do I think I am? Thanks for the perspective, as always.

  • Avatar 654carroll says:

    The TJ beer bread mix is pretty tasty and so easy (you just mix it with melted butter? maybe an egg?) and you pour in one can of beer. it might be worth making just to avail yourself of that tableau–your 9-year-old leaning against the counter casually clutching an empty Shlitz can while the bread bakes away in the over.

  • lorile says:

    I read that article, too, a few weeks ago and was struck by it. Hit a nerve, it did, and I agree it’s time to institute a little self sufficiency. My son and daughter (age 9 & 6) have always helped me bake and my son now prides himself in his bacon/egg/toast skill set. Beyond that, however, the cooking repertoire falls short. I, too, am inspired to broaden their culinary proficiencies, while branching out into new worlds of laundry, loaded dishwashers and maybe even clean floors…..

  • Avatar Sarah says:

    My mom has always been firmly against boxed mixes of any sort, so I never used them as a kid. She had me start helping her in the kitchen when I was four or so (just stirring things or measuring out ingredients and letting me make pretend soup in the sink with peels). I don’t actually remember her ever telling me I needed adult supervision for using the oven or stove, since by the time I wanted to use them by myself I’d helped frequently enough that I never got seriously hurt.

    Let your kids make some basic recipes–ones from the Joy of Cooking are usually simple. If they can read they can follow directions and messing up a few recipes is a great learning experience; I’m a much better cook for having made some truly disgusting things as a kid. And I forever owe my parents for tasting every single one.

  • Avatar kate says:

    I love this post. I am trying hard not to hover as well, but not necessarily in the kitchen. Kudos for your free-range parenting!

  • Avatar MemeGRL says:

    In the mixes category, we’re big fans of TJoe’s banana bread mix (we add chocolate chips and make them muffins; a good opportunity too to teach the “if you add the chips to the dry ingredients they are less likely to sink to the bottom” lesson). Their vanilla cake is pretty basic too. It’s been so hot I haven’t thought of baking much but this is why we have AC, right?

  • Avatar Kara says:

    For what it’s worth, I definitely remember making chocolate chip cookies (from scratch and following a recipe!) when I was 8 and 9. I don’t remember whether I was allowed to put stuff in the oven, but I do remember that the job included cleanup!

    I also remember that my mom have/let me help do a lot of kitchen prep as a early elementary school student (with veggies, breaking and prepping eggs to be incorporated in other stuff, grating cheese, etc.). My brothers and I also were the salad makers, table setters, etc. By early high school, we could all make at least a few key things. Will definitely follow similar objectives with my kids! I want them to be self-sufficient and at least be able to make themselves homemade brownies for their friends! After the first set of brownies that are crunchy from eggshells that their friends eat, they’ll remember to crack them into another bowl…

  • Avatar KB says:

    Why make them use mixes? There are plenty of simple recipes out there that require very little work and are much better for you than a mix. Oh, and you would actually teach your kids how to bake, not how to open a box. 😉 there is your new cookbook idea for you….

  • Kate F. says:

    I got a copy of a Klutz-brand kid’s cookbook for my 8th birthday and must have made the from-scratch brownies about 100 times. I recently saw it in a toy store; it’s still in print and I highly recommend it. (It does emphasize asking for an adult’s help w the oven, etc., I assume for liability reasons!)

  • Avatar Essie says:

    I love that everyone is talking about kids’ self-sufficiency these days. It’s my favorite parenting fad by far!

  • Avatar Melissa says:

    My 9-year old daughter proudly surprised me last night with a dessert of lemon Jello that she’d made herself, boiling water and all. I have been trying to teach her to read and follow directions while stepping back my own hovering. The lessons learned and look of pride is usually worth the mess!

  • Ali says:

    Thank you for this post. I’ve always been snobby about boxed cake mixes, but after I read what you said, I put one in the trolley and Mr 8 yrs old made us all chocolate fudge cake. Tasted great and he was so proud of himself. I need to remind myself that they need to learn (and make mistakes) and keep away from being a know-it-all mother.

  • Avatar LeighG says:

    My 11 year old just finished making blueberry muffins on her own for the first time, and she was so incredibly proud of herself. I had no trouble staying away, but my husband was hovering a bit. Thanks for the wonderful idea!

  • Debbie says:

    You should read the book “Cleaning House” by Kay Wills Wyma…it’s about her year long experiment with teaching her kids to be more self sufficient. Very eye opening. It has changed the way I am parenting my kids!

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