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Family Ritual SeriesGeneralHow to Celebrate EverythingRituals

Welcome Summer!

By June 17, 2016August 4th, 20165 Comments

So I realize that last week, when I gave you the hard sell on my next book, How to Celebrate Everything, I talked a big game about childhood not being a race to the finish line. Well, today I take it back. Sort of. Exhibit A: Every year, on the last day of school, my friend’s sister, Diane, hangs “Welcome to Summer Vacation” banners (three separate ones) across the front door of her suburban New Jersey house, and each of her three daughters get to come home and run through it like a marathoner. I don’t know this family at all, but I am pretty sure I know one thing: Those kids are going to remember that ritual for the rest of their lives.

Happy Summer Vacation Everybody! Thanks Diane!

P.S. Got a simple, special family ritual like this one? Tell me about it:


  • Avatar Sherri says:

    For special occasions such as birthdays and holidays I hang paper streamers on the door jams of my kid’s bedrooms. They are brightly colored paper squiggles that hang to the floor and the kids have to walk through them to get out of their rooms. I was wondering if they’ve outgrown this ritual but right before his 16th birthday my son said, “You’re still doing streamers……right?” Mission accomplished!

  • Avatar Beth says:

    For his birthday, I close my son’s bedroom door and loosely tape a cheap plastic tablecloth to the door frame sides. I inflate a lot of balloons and drop them between the tablecloth and door. When he wakes up and opens the door, an avalanche of balloons fall on him. Planning on doing it for birthday #14 this summer.

  • Avatar Trang Do says:

    Love this post!! Happy Summer!!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  • Avatar dani says:

    I love traditions like this! always wished I had more growing up 🙂 Christmas eve is the only one I can really remember. Just going to have to make some of my own 🙂 Looking forward to your book!

  • Avatar Emily @ Life on Food says:

    haha! love this!

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