Basic Everyday Fried Fish

Basic Everyday Fried Fish
Serves 4

olive oil
1/2 cup seasoned flour, on a dinner plate for dredging
1 egg, lightly beaten, on a dinner plate for dredging
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
2 large filets of delicate white fish such as flounder (about 1 1/4 pounds)
salt and pepper to taste
tartar sauce (or ketchup) for dipping
lemon wedges for squeezing

1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

2. Set up your dredging stations. One plate flour (salted & peppered), one plate beaten egg, one plate panko bread crumbs.

3. Dredge your fish filets: first in flour, then in egg, then in panko. Add to skillet and fry 2-3 minutes a side until cooked through. Remove from skillet and serve with a dollop of tartar sauce and a squeeze of lemon.

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One Comment

Torrie @ a place to share...

reading yesterday’s post, and searching in the cookbook as i read andy’s favorites to bookmark them. found this, and looking forward to making it tonight! thanks for answering the question. (“what’s for dinner?”)
