Posts Categorized: Chicken and Turkey

Craggy Chicken Caesar

Yesterday, I did something I have been meaning to do forever: I pulled up one of the dozens and dozens of recipes in my instagram’s “saved” file to figure out what to make for dinner. In spite of my hot-and-cold relationship with the platform, I still check in with it every day, multiple times a day — the culinary creativity… Read more »

Turkey Burgers, 2.0

Back in the olden days, when our girls were little, turkey burgers were one of the few dinners everyone ate without short-order modifications, which meant we had them a lot, usually California-style, craggy-edged with white onions, ketchup, mustard, and pickles, maybe some roast potatoes on the side. When I type that now, of course it sounds classic and perfect, but at the… Read more »

Leah Koenig’s Chicken with Peppers (and her new beautiful book)

Anyone who has spent a minute reading Dinner: A Love Story knows about my affection for Leah Koenig’s cookbooks, which I turn to all year long, but especially this time of year as we head into the Jewish holidays. A leading authority on Jewish food, Koenig is a genius at interpreting traditional dishes in a progressive, respectful, and of course,… Read more »

Grilled Chicken of the Week

I confess this was actually last week in grilled chicken, and also that it will most likely be next week in grilled chicken and possibly the week after that, too, because the dinner is that good — so fresh and flavorful and just plain beautiful — and I should probably try to control myself before I overdo it. (Longtime readers may recognize the dinner as a new… Read more »

Chicken and Vinegar

A few weeks ago, we met some friends for dinner at Maialino, Danny Meyer’s recently relocated Roman trattoria and wine bar that is now housed in the Redbury Hotel and, with its checkered tablecloths and sepia portrait-lined walls, still as charming as ever. We ordered the obligatory cacio e pepe and the vongole, and it was all wonderful, of course, but… Read more »

One Pot Chicken with Orzo, Spinach, & Artichoke

I’m so used to cooking for two in my recently emptied nest, that I almost felt like I had to re-learn how to cook for four when the girls came home last week. And because I was busy doing advance prep work for Thanksgiving, I found myself craving family dinner recipes for them that were welcome-homey and cozy, but didn’t… Read more »

Your First Thanksgiving Turkey

Fun fact: I have only made one Thanksgiving turkey in my life and it wasn’t even on Thanksgiving Day (my mom owns that duty). It was one random afternoon in the middle of July, when I was in the recipe testing phase of my book. (Deadlines are deadlines!) If you’re wondering why you should trust a relative novice with one… Read more »

Pretzel Chicken with Honey-Mustard Sauce

One of my more favorite mini NYC itineraries when the girls were little was a walk on the High Line, a stop at the magical Books of Wonder on 17th Street, then, of course, a hot chocolate (or the iconic “cold hot chocolate”) and pretzel croissant at City Bakery, just off NYC’s Union Square. For decades before it closed in 2019, City Bakery helmed… Read more »

Tamarind-Glazed Grilled Chicken

I love the sour tang that tamarind brings to a dish, but buying and cooking with it has always been very intimidating to me. When a recipe calls for tamarind, do they mean the pods? The pulp? The concentrate? The puree? The ketchupy stuffI drizzle on dal? Well I finally conquered my fears back in March when I took on the… Read more »

Stews for Around the Fire

Here in New York, we’ve been willing the universe to make fall last as long as possible because, as Andy says every single morning in ominous, Game-of-Thrones-like tones, winter is coming. In normal years, I don’t usually care that much. Cold weather is the season of cozy food — braised meats, red wine, warm-your-bones stews, and friends and family around… Read more »

POTUS’s Lucky Pasta

Since I’m sure you’ve all spent the weekend poring over my summer cookbook rundown in Sunday’s book review, you know that one of the books I was most enthusiastic about this year was Eat a Little Better, by Sam Kass, who cooked for the Obama family when they were in the White House. The book is filled with insider anecdotes and (not surprisingly) the kinds… Read more »

Dinner for the Road

A few Fridays ago, Andy was on the way home from work early, having drawn the short straw to drive Abby to a soccer tournament in Maryland for the weekend, when Abby asked what the dinner plan was. She was packing her soccer bag and stopped to wait for my answer. I paused — I knew what my dinner plan… Read more »

“Dumpling” Meatballs with Sesame Green Beans

When my first book, Dinner: A Love Story, came out, I will never forget my agent calling me to discuss publishing the book in England. “There’s an agent over there who wants to buy the rights for it,” she told me, “but he’s concerned about all the Trader Joe’s talk and ground turkey recipes.” The Trader Joe’s thing I understood,… Read more »

What to Eat When the Power’s Out

Don’t be alarmed, everyone’s OK! You’re looking at one small part of the neighborhood wreckage left in the wake of last Friday’s Nor’easter and the reason why we’ve been living out of our suitcases for the past five days. We are doing fine. We shacked up with my sister and my parents’ over the weekend and then checked into a… Read more »

Weeknight Hero: Panko-Crusted Roast Chicken

As I hand over this genius weeknight recipe, it’s hard not to think of my earliest magazine editor days, when I was expected to constantly pitch story ideas — food and otherwise — to my boss in the dreaded weekly “beat meetings.” I was just starting out and operated under the assumption that anything that was interesting to me was… Read more »

New Twist on Old Fave: Tortilla Soup

. The first time I wrote about tortilla soup on this blog, the girls were playing cops and robber at recess and were so young I had to call it “taco soup” because tortillas were just so, you know, sophisticated (read: intimidating) sounding. The second time I wrote about it (as an ideal “deconstructable dinner“) was May, 2012, a month… Read more »

End-of-Summer Stew

Not a lot to report today, but wanted to point you in the direction of a promotion I worked on with Food52 that included this Corn Stew with Chicken and Sausage, one of my all-time favorite end-of-summer dinners. (Playbook owners might have already discovered it.) Head over there and let me know what you think. Also: Thanks to those of… Read more »

Anatomy of a Summer Weeknight

The Scene: Tuesday Night. Dad out, 13-year-old at camp, me at office, five minutes from home. Pouring. 4:00 Receive text at work from 15-year-old: Can we see The Big Sick tonight?  4:03 Quick Flixster scan of movie times. Me: 6:15 show, be ready a little before 6 4:04 Can we have dinner before we go? I’m starving 4:05 Sure. Quick scan from memory… Read more »

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