The Search is Over

Besides the meaning of life, there are three things that I am forever in search of: An affordable, authentic spindle bed for my 8-year-old; dining room chairs that I love as much as our kitchen chairs; and an easy-to-clean, nontoxic skillet in which I can fry or scramble my beloved morning eggs. Thanks to the cookware sleuths at Bon Appetit, I’m delighted to say that I can check this last obsession off my list. You are looking at my brand new Bialetti Aeternum 10-inch nonstick saute pan, which is 100% Teflon-free and which only set me back thirty bucks! A very small price to pay for the happiness it brings me every time I clean it with a little water and a single swipe of a dishtowel. Even my egg-hating kids peered over the edge of the pan, noses wrinkled, to steal a peek of the action.

PS: In other egg news, per Andy’s request, I have mastered poaching thanks to SmittenKitchen’s masterful tutorial. What was I so afraid of?

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I’ve heard about these pans! I’ll definitely be trying it out.

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I have had the same item on my list. I so want to go out and get one TODAY!

Also, I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize? Ooooh, I really hope so.

P.S. I really feel for you that your children do not like eggs. That is such a go-to item for our family.


You all totally rock. Oh, and… I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize?

A Different Jenny

I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize? I’ve been meaning to learn to bake bread…


I have been reading your blog faithfully for over a year and this is my first comment….. 🙂

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That looks like it would make frying eggs so much more enjoyable!

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It’s like you read my mind. I am in the market for a new pan and this one fits my criteria. Purchased!


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Love your new skillet!

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I want one!!! I got my first Le Creuset oven for Valentines Day. Maybe I can add this to my birthday wish list.

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I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize?

What a classy lookin’ skillet!


I need that pan! Too bad I have no room for it. Hmmf.

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wow! got to see if they have equally affordable pots!! thanks for this post.

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And, I have one of these and I love it. There is a little but, the porcelain is thin and chips rather easily. I wish I’d known before I taped it, by mistake, on the faucet. Still, the best pan I own for eggs and such with brilliant clean up! Enjoy!

Sara in Montréal

I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize? But I’m not from the US, so I guess that it doesn’t make me eligible.

I have a spindle bed sitting in a friend’s basement though, my grandma slept in it, so it must make it authentic. I don’t want to make it sound like a publicity or anything, but maybe we could see if we could agree on something and make a second of your obsession come to an end.

City Share

I have never seen white lining in a pan before. I will have to check those out. We have Calphanon pans that need to be replaced. Right now I’m frying our daily eggs in cast iron.


I will file this away for when I need (want) new non-stick pans. Is there any special care required? can they be stacked?

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I just got one of these pans, too (mine’s blue, though) after reading Bon Appetit, and I have to agree with you– what a great purchase! Would definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a good non-toxic non-stick pan.

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I saw this in Bon Appetit and have been looking for them – where did you find it? In a store or online?

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Katie Aseltyne

LOVE this pan. Must find.

and the requesite: I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize?”


“I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize?”

I never realized there was a non-teflon teflon type of pan. Guess I gave up looking long ago and just used cast iron inherited from family…


Excited to hear of any pan that makes egg clean up easy. We’re BIG egg eaters over here. In fact, bacon and eggs are the plan for dinner tonight.

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Plus I really like this pan!

Sara M

The first few reviews on Amazon comment on the nano-ceramic coating wearing off or forming pinholes. Has this happened to you? What your thoughts on this?


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I am so excited to buy that pan for my egg loving husband! Thanks for the 411!


editorial request: will you run a photo of this pan in about three or four months? i want to see how well its shiny white interior holds up (will it scuff and scrape?). also, i *just* learned about poaching an egg in a pouch of saran wrap. (maybe that could warm the girls to eggs? Egg “presents”? It worked with fish, didn’t it?)


My egg hater daughter, just today, asked to try our eggs next time we make them — this is a huge improvement over the horrible faces and faux gakking noises that preceded earlier attempts to interest her. There’s hope yet…

And I too:
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“I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize?”

Even though I can make my own bread, I want the loaf pan!!


Love the poaching tip . . . I think the whirlpool was the step I have always been missing! Can’t wait to try it.

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I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked better Bread Prize? (I wouldn’t mind winning one of those pans either!)


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Can you give us an update on that pan after a few months? I’d be interested in hearing if it’s a long-term love affair…


what a cool pan. I will have to check that out.
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We bought a set of those recently after seeing them in Bon Apetite! Love ’em…

Also, just in case you were wondering:
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i think if this pan came in light blue, i would have to buy it…

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I too am wondering about all of the negative Amazon comments about the pan’s coating coming off after just a few months.

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I just got one of these pans for Christmas and I love it!

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I am a newsletter subscriber. Do I win the Baked Better Bread Prize?

Because the only way for bread to be better, is for it to be baked better bread!

Lex Apostata

Given the widespread complaints about these pans — that they work great at first, but after three or four months of regular use the coating starts to flake off — please make a posting something this fall about this pan and let us know if you are still happy with it.


I will give you guys an update in a few months. I did talk to my editor at Bon Appetit (where they first ran a story on it) who said they haven’t heard any complaints so far. But let’s see what happens….


Jenny- I’m just now discovering your blog (where have I been?), and you are a girl/mom/wife after my own heart! I love everything I’ve read. I’ve been on the search for a non-stick skillet to cook my eggs in too!!! Must get one of these.
Looks like my ‘habit’ of reading blogs will not be broken today. I’m seeing lots of things that I must read today on your blog.


So how is this skillet holding up? I just went to amazon to think about buying one because my pots and pans are toast and the reviews are pretty bad. What’s been your experience?


How’s the Bialetti frying pan holding up? I could use a new one and have read the mixed reviews of the Bialetti.
