End-of-Summer Stew

Not a lot to report today, but wanted to point you in the direction of a promotion I worked on with Food52 that included this Corn Stew with Chicken and Sausage, one of my all-time favorite end-of-summer dinners. (Playbook owners might have already discovered it.) Head over there and let me know what you think.

Also: Thanks to those of you who responded to the post about Hurricane Harvey donations. Here is the information for those of you who missed it and want to help.

Photo credit: Bobbi Lin for Food52



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I made this recipe the evening I heard back from you. The whole family loved it. And it did create enough liquid for a stew just as you said.


This is a family favorite. My boys (7 and 5) love it. I discovered it in Playbook and have been making it every summer since, and just about every week in the past month. Thank you!
