Friday Round-up

What we’re reading and eating this week:

Ridiculous Brown-butter Brownies.

Phoebe’s hero, profiled in the Times Magazine.

I’m totally buying this for my soon-to-be-9-year-old nephew.  (No clicking Owen, and thanks for the tip, Evan L!)

Read of the week: Break-in at Y-12.

This headline is astounding, and worth bringing up at the dinner table, whether you are raising daughters or not.

And these headlines are just plain hilarious.

You had me at hand-stitched binding, Short Stack! (I’m all over Lemons, written by Alison Roman, the Bon Appetit food editor behind some of my favorite recipes — most recently this one.)

Mark Zuckerberg picks a winner for his Facebook book club.

I think a lifetime supply of these would make an excellent new baby gift. (It’s amazing how often I’ve needed them in 13 years of birthdays.)

The trouble with food blogging. (My thoughts exactly, Amateur Gourmet.)

Made this last week, and got all nostalgic thinking about big-table Chinatown dinners in my twenties when the bill was never more than fifteen bucks.

How to Lose Weight in Four Easy Steps, via Joanna a few weeks ago, and still the best thing I’ve read all month.

The newest (or is that the oldest?) trend in cooking.

Hey, who’s that handsome, decidedly un-trendy book editor?

Photo by Phyllis Grant.


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Mary Cain is incredible to children and adults alike, huh? I really enjoyed that profile and can’t wait to see what she accomplishes as her career continues!


Great Friday round up!
-I don’t know what took me so long to find Short Stacks but I am so glad I found them and volumes 1-13 are being delivered today!
-Great article on the 4 steps to lose weight, everybody needs to read that!


I don’t think the link to the baby gift is right. Do babies need a lifetime supply of lightweight cake boxes?

Abby @ Happy Food Happy Home

Those blondies are on my to-make list–that Phyliss just keeps making longer!
The Y-12 article was fascinating, but long! It was like a marathon for my brain 🙂
All in all, a great round up that got me through my Friday evening!


Just finished Creativity, Inc. What a great read, and so fun to see your husband get a shout-out in the ‘Acknowledgement’ section! He should be proud–that book was phenomenal.

Ellen Scott

Fantastic suggestion for Friday Round-up. Brownies perhaps the easiet kinds of baked cake to make. Butter and chocolate brownies are pretty popular, but some almond or peanut added will be more delicious and tasteful. I’m also addicted to the post on trend in cooking in the list.
