Friday Reading and Eating

On the line-up next week: Simple Fish Cakes with Peas and Mint

What I Wish I Could Change About My Children

I’m a huge fan of Flat Vernacular wallpaper, and was thrilled to see they’ve entered the adult coloring book fray

Is your child the next Food Network Star? Chopped Junior is casting!

How to make Babka from NYC’s Sadelle’s

Confessions of a Fortune Teller (I’m so doing this at the next school event)

What Happens When Two Hugely Popular Bloggers Try to Escape the Internet

I covet these kitchen shelves hard.

As of this weekend, When Breath Becomes Air will have officially hit NUMBER ONE on both Amazon and The New York Times bestseller list.

Do I go down this reading road? I’ve heard mixed reviews.

It’s probably a bad sign that I find this cartoon so funny.

Since I liked Haruki Murakami’s What I Talk About When I Talk About Running so much, a reader thought I might like this meditation on running, too. She was right. (Thanks, Marie.)

The Science of Healing Thoughts

Hooray! Modern Love is now a podcast.

Seven Habits of Parents Who Leave the Office at 5:00pm (to get home in time for dinner, I shall presume!)

Lastly, thank you for all your suggestions for tomorrow’s big kitchen project. And the winner is…

Have a great weekend — stay warm, my Northeastern Brethren!

Photo credit: Dana Gallagher for Kitchen Repertoire

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Filed under: Round-Ups, Seafood

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I really couldn’t get into My Brilliant Friend , but I know people who are obsessed with it… Thanks for the rec for Breath becomes air – I’m starting it tonight!


YES ON THE BO SSAM! My husband walked two miles in the snow last year in order to get kimchi for said bo ssam.

It’s even easier in real life than the instructions would lead you to believe and ideal snow day food.

Stay warm!


For what it’s worth I liked “My Brilliant Friend,” loved the second book, was “meh” about the third, and am about to start the fourth. We read the first for my book club and it was divided 50/50. Regardless, it’s a commitment! Happy reading.

MB@Bourbon and Brown Sugar

Great links Jenny… and let me tell you: one of our best friends made Momofuku’s Bo Saam for a dinner party last year, and it was quite possibly the best dinner I’ve ever eaten at a friend’s home! Enjoy!


Oh, you mean “My Boring Friend”?! Our book club read it-most of us are still wondering what all the hype was about.
Great links!!!

Caroline in San Francisco

It’s sunny in San Francisco but I got inspired here, so we’re having Momofuku Bo-Ssam for dinner tonight. The pork butt is sitting in the refrigerator soaking in the salt-sugar rub. My only problem is the pork will only have 2 hours to season, but I don’t care. Danger is my middle name. (Also, I am cooking 5 pounds of pork not 10, so hope that will compensate somewhat for the shorter seasoning time.)


Hi Jenny – just wanted to say I LOVE your end of week round ups. You always include some very interesting material – I don’t know if they are very time consuming to put together or not, but it is very much appreciated! Thank you….

Erin K

If you haven’t yet read The Oatmeal’s comic/manifesto about long distance running, you must do so immediately – Also, I enjoyed Elena Ferrante’s series. It is intelligent and well-written, if at times a little slow. I think its a worthwhile read.


These links are so interesting! Thank you for sharing. I especially appreciated What I Wish I Could Change About My Children. I find it hard to believe how cruel some people can be to anyone (especially a child) who is different in any way.
