Friday Round-up

A family-friendly Labor Day menu, including these ridiculously delicious spare ribs. (Warning: I’m going to make you read through an interview with Yours Truly in order to get there. #nofreelunch)

The whole CiCi Bellis circus has everyone talking about kid prodigies — but what about adult prodigies? (There’s hope for us yet!)

Six Easy Weeknight Meals that great chefs like to cook. (That marinated tofu dish is officially on the DALS line-up.)

Sam Kass: Foodmaster General, Policy Shaper, and Assistant Chef in Charge of Family Meals.

A hero for the Anti-GMO movement.

This is the coolest Friday night family ritual ever — and proves my theory that meatballs can solve almost anything. (Thanks Jenna G!)

zillion school lunch ideas from the always inspiring Weelicious.

America Needs Playtime Intervention.

Yes, Luisa, I would definitely say those fritters are family dinner material!

Attn: Greek Myth Nerds! A new post on Phoebe’s book blog. (Warning: The girl is enraged!)

Fiesta Kale Wraps: Might be my new favorite lunch.

Sure, their mother’s book was published this week, but my girls were waaaaaaaay more excited about Raina Telgemeier’s latest.

Sometimes I go back to the DALS archive and rediscover a mind-blowing gem by Andy all over again.

I’m declaring this the official Song of Summer. (In our house, at least.)

Lastly, thank you to everyone for all the Playbook love this week through instagramFacebook and my regular old email, which has been buzzing with messages from friends olds and new. Not surprisingly, it’s one of my most favorite parts of the whole book-writing enterprise. Another favorite part? When someone really gets what I am trying to achieve with a book. I don’t know who E. Johnson is, but here’s an excerpt from a review she wrote on Amazon a few days ago:

The most valuable evidence for feeding a family does not come out of test kitchens and recipes by committee. They come from actual practice and valuing that time around the table with quality food preparation and ingredients…Knowledge lessens anxiety. Having Jenny Rosenstrach’s 30 day plan can be a life-saver, and the kids will feel that and know…that it’s not been a drive by dinner….Because I am calmer, the kids may wonder what’s going on and seeing some ‘Joy’ in cooking and less of the Ordeal of the Evening Meal. [edited for clarity]

Thank you for getting it, E. Johnson. Enjoy!

Have a great holiday.

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Just got your book and read most of it much too quickly at the pool yesterday. Now, I want to go back and re-read it more slowly so that I can absorb all the goodness it holds. Playbook has lots of good ideas and I must say I love the type-style and overall design of the book. Very fun and relaxed and conversational. Congrats!


Thank you CarrieH. Hope you enjoy — but spend more time at the pool this weekend since that’s going away soon. The book will always be there for you 🙂


I see my thumb in one of those pics 🙂 Thanks again Jenny for letting me participate in the Challenge, and the giveaway on my blog….my winner is BEYOND excited! 😀


We made the ribs and kale salad today, along with some grilled corn. A home run, everything was tasty and the ribs were easy, my computer connection to my office was not working, so I had 3 hours to go in and do some paperwork there while my husband stayed home!
