Friday Round-up

What we’re reading and eating this week:

I made Diane Kochilas’ pasta with yogurt and caramelized onions (above) the other night and was reminded why it’s held up as a go-to winner for almost fifteen years now. Elegant enough for company, easy enough for a weeknight, and so F%@#ING MINDBLOWINGLY DELICIOUS! I’ve only ever cooked the version with sheep’s milk yogurt that Amanda Hesser wrote about in the Times a hundred years ago, but there’s also the version on Food52 that calls for Greek yogurt. As Andy would say: It’s not like it’s gonna be bad.

Introducing….The Turketta! (Here’s the step-by-step guide, but please watch the instagram gif first.)

Uber, Airbnb, and now…Josephine? The sharing economy hits dinnertime.

Radical acceptance: Now there’s a philosophy I can get behind. Maybe even beyond Thanksgiving.

{Speaking of Sam Sifton, remember his 10 Law of Thanksgiving Dinner?}

Read of the week: A College Romance That Led to Murder.

Listen of the Week: Amy Schumer on Alec Baldwin’s Here’s the Thing. (It’s filthy, but you probably don’t need me to tell you that.)

Speaking of podcasts, in this ATK episode, frequent contributor Adam Gopnik dissected why certain recipes go viral, specifically Martha Stewart’s One-Pan Pasta. Ummm, where was I? Had no idea this dish broke the internet.

What to do when your sports fanatic kid is injured? Ask Coach Andy!

A Seismic Shift in How People Eat.

Design nerds rejoice: Ilse Crawford’s Ikea line is here. (I’m personally obsessed with these.)

“You’re gonna need a bigger wipe.” And other winners from The-Best-Parenting-Advice-in-Six-Words contest.

The perfect gift for Brooklyn dwellers, ex-pats, transplants, food-lovers.

Last week, I talked meals and mile splits over on Another Mother Runner’s podcast.

Attention Hudson Valley dwellers! I’ll be sitting alongside seventeen other food writers tomorrow at Millbrook Winery, signing books and sampling foods from local purveyors. Details here!

Enjoy the weekend.

Photo by James Ransom for Food52.

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Thank you!!! I love the pasta as shown but we don’t have reliable sheep’s milk yogurt around here and I am not big on experimenting on dinner. I can’t wait to try the Greek yogurt version!


That one pot pasta is my go-to dish for the kids for school lunches and for times when we are going to eat something that I know the kids won’t. Barilla even has a new variety of pasta called Pronto for this exact purpose.


Love your round ups
So excited to read your picks
Saving for AM
Coffee, iPad, couch, snoring dog, sleeping kids – perfect way to start my day

christi in ma

you were great on the AMR podcast!
I hadn’t heard of that Martha Stewart one pot pasta either until the ATK podcast.
I wonder if was just one of those forwarded along on FB and repinned type of deals but people didn’t actually cook it. Because the reviews on aren’t that great.
