Friday Round-up: Thanksgiving Edition!

How to make your pies prettier, circa 1959. (Finding this story is so Victoria Granof. And so awesome.)

If I get wind of any of you bolting from your family’s Thanksgiving table to go shopping, you are hereby firewalled from DALS.

A Thanksgivukkah take on the Leftover Sandwich.

Roast Cauliflower (or any Thanksgiving vegetable) would look so pretty on this stunning serving platter.

{Related: I finally upgraded my pie dishes from Pyrex to Emile Henry.}

Not that I’ll ever do this with my Thanksgiving leftovers, but all you ambitious arty types probably will.

A sweet tablecloth I’m bringing for my sister the host (Lynn: Don’t look!), one of Bon App‘s 27 Best.

I’ll also be bringing a few copies of The Thing About Luck (Grades 5-9) for my nieces and nephews, which just won a National Book Award in the Young People’s Literature category. (Owen, Nathan, Alison and Amanda: Don’t look!)

{PS: Phoebe felt that Boxers & Saints, another nominee, wuz robbed.}

A dying woman’s cooking instructions to her husband: “Knives sharp. Ingredients out. Read the damn recipe.” (But so much more.)

I’m a purist when it comes to mashed potatoes (milk, butter, maybe Parm) but if I wasn’t, I might go in the casserole direction.

Big road trip? Little kids? Music that will keep everyone sane.

The five most delicious food moments in children’s literature.

Polenta-Sausage Wedges — for next Thursday and every Thursday following it.

This spicy, comfort-y Khao Soi soup is very much my speed. (Another story: Is it my childrens’ speed?) As is this Spicy Chicken weeknight number. Both look like they’d be great vehicles for leftover turkey.

Most likely I’ll be chronicling everything — from the make-ahead cornbread through the turkey to the leftovers — on instagram. Have a great holiday!


PS: Need a speaker for your next school/holiday/community event? I’m officially here for you. Let’s talk!

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Jennifer P

Just wanted people to know that you can buy the Kindle edition of Sam Sifton’s Thanksgiving book for $1.99 on Amazon great deal on a great book


Anyone that tries to go shopping on Thanksgiving day in my house will be barred from future Thanksivings. Also it shows they did not drink or eat enough, and I want my guests stuffed and tipsy. This should prevent them from leaving in the first place! Love the roundup.

Karen Dwyer

I must say your daughters have very sophisticated taste in books!! Love that! Anyway happy thanksgiving from Canada where we’ve already celebrated ours’!



I’ve just ordered 5 copies of DALS to give as hostess and baby shower/new parent gifts. I own a lot of cookbooks, but DALS has gotten more use than the others combined! Thank you!


Amen to the ban on Thanksgiving shopping. It cannot be said too many times. I just saw an article in our local paper where the hostess lamented the fact that her mother and sister got up from dinner mid-way through and left to shop. Rude beyond belief. And not a way to show gratitude for the day, the hostess, or life’s blessings.


Just FYI, The Thing About Luck is grades 5-9, not ages 5-9 (I clicked through thinking it might be good for a 6 year old I know!).


First, the NYT essay was beautiful. Second, All Of a Kind Family was my favorite when I was a kid. Great round up.
