Keeping Watch

It’s hard to believe that less than 48 hours ago I was in Santa Monica wondering if I’d ever be able to recognize a cloud again. I’ll report on that trip later in the week, but for now, we’re hunkering down, queuing up the first season of Homeland (finally!) loading up on our peanut butter and bread (I wasn’t as smart as some of you guys from facebook who loaded up on Short Ribs), and prepping for Hurricane Sandy with this song on repeat in my brain. Stay safe Mid-Atlantic friends — back atcha in a few days.

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Laura Miller

Hope you still have power and are safe. We escaped the worst of it in DC. Enjoy Homeland- we are officially addicted to it in a way we haven’t been to a show since The Wire (like you, we share martial baggage about that show. I watched three seasons but couldn’t take Season 4 about the kids. He has never forgiven me. Truly.) Claire Danes makes crazy so cool!
